chapter 20

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Sallu struggled to get up from the floor that he had landed in. He was behaving like a moron and to Ryan he knew where to put them. Ryan went to where Rose still stood. He hugged her and asked if she was OK. She just nodded her head in response and with that he was not going to complaining. At least she did answer him. But what made him wonder was the fact that she never screamed for help. If he hadn't come to see her the on time he did know that only would know God  what the moron would have done to her. He checked on her arms to see if there were any harm done upon her but there was none. With him relived he pulled her back to his arms and tighten her in a way never to let go again.

"Who the hell are? "
He broke away from her and went in front of the man that for a while he had forgotten that he excited.
"If you ever cross paths with her again, then be sure you are going to deal with me. "
He laughed in a mocking voice, "I'm so scared. "
"You better be. "
He walked passed Ryan and went to the same spot where Rose had not even moved an inch from it.
"So instead of getting married you go sleeping around with this man? "
Ryan wanted to talk but Rose gave him a look of don't. She then walked near Sallu who had a bruise on his mouth. She gave him a slap that even scared Ryan.
"You have no damn right to speak to me as you wish. And get out. Don't ever show yourself to me again. Coz if you do I will kill you myself. "
Ryan was confused. She looked like she had seen a ghost awhile a go and now she is the old her. The one who knows how to deal with her problems without involving others.

He remembered that she was a very good friend of Ron and despite their friendship she never mentioned anything to him about his treatment towards her. He knew at times it was good but in a way to her she was doing damage to her own self.

"Listen you whore, I will show myself to you till I get what I want. "
"Don't you dare call her names," before Ryan finished he had given him another punch.
"Sir, this is my business and I do prefer that you stay out of this. "
He was holding her hand, "like hell Will I do that. "
"Then I prefer you just get out. "
"What? "
She pulled away from his touch, "you heard me right, if you can't let me handle this, you can as well kiss the door. "
"Yeah coz I have unfinished business with you, honey. "

Did he just call her that. Why isn't she reacting? Ooh I know why.

"Look at you, "she began walking around Sallu,"you're not even worried about what you're going to say to your wife once she see you like this. What you only think about is how to get to me. What happened to you? Please tell me coz I need to know. "
"Love happened to me. You were my first love and my last. "
She could fell him. I mean he was also her first love. She loved this man very much. She adored him so much. If only this had gone so well they would be an happy couple. She knew that he would give his life for her.

But he never did that that day. Instead he left at the alter. He is a moron. But I still love the moron. I have hoped for the day he would come back and say that he still loves me. C'mon Rose this guy almost raped you.

Sallu can we just move on. I mean you do have a family. "
"It's not the same without you. "
"You need to go back to them. They love you and you've to learn how to love them."

"Are you kind of dumb or something? "
"I've had enough of you. I try to make you see sense in what I'm saying and you're not giving a damn about it? "
"Why should I? "
"Get out or else...... "
"Or else what honey? You will have him kicking me out? "
"I told you I'm not your that name and please don't bring more pain into me. "
"You lie Rose, I'm determined to get you and not even this pervert in front of me can stop me"

Now Ryan was having enough of him. He saw Sallu push Rose onto the wall. She did nothing but he was getting more furious. She had told him to fuck off but there are things that he can't stand to watch. Just then Rose turned her face to avoid being kissed by Sallu, he slapped her hard. Ryan pulled him and this time he showed no mercy to him. He gave him the punch on his eye. Before Sallu could balance himself he was swapped down. Ryan gave him kicks on his body. He had already began bleeding and he never gave a damn about it. Red veins were visible on his face as he did all this to Sallu.

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