chapter 36

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Rose looked at herself one last time in the mirror to make sure that she was OK. It had been three months since she began to date Ryan and she had to agree that he was the best choice that she had made. After the conference they went back hope where Rose gave her friends good news. Daniel was the happiest of them all and it seemed that the friendship between him and Ryan had grown to be that of a father and son. Rose loved the two men very much and she would never stop thank them for coming into her life.

She smiled at herself and walked to get the shoes that were waiting at the door step. She felt good and happy all the same. Ryan had taken her to This isn't your destiny and with his help she got over her passed or maybe she thought so. She also took her son there and he also learned allot of things within that time he joined her. Life was damn good for her. Rose closed the door and walked to the guest room where Nicole was getting ready. She slowly opened the door and met the three beautiful smile. Rose smiled back as she closed the door behind her.

"You look beautiful Rose, "Grace commented. She had become a very good friend of Rose after being introduced to both of them by Ryan. Grace had arrived in the country two days ago and Rose was so generous to offer her her guest room instead of renting a hotel.
"You don't look bad yourself, "she got close to them pecking both of them.
"Someone is out on her mission to steal my hubby, "Nicole said looking at her from head to toe.
"I got my own so please you can keep yours and if he comes after me its not my fault that I was given this beauty. I can keep him for you. "

They all laughed at her comment.
"I'm getting tired guys, "Amina finally said after a long burst of laughter.
"So how long do we wait elephant?"Nicole was smirking at her.
Amina looked at her then the other ladies who were also waiting to get an answer.
"First I'm no elephant just pregnant and second I think it might be even today. "
"What, "Nicole again, "please don't do that on my day. Wait for your own. "
"You are so funny Nicole, "Grace said picking up her purse, "when it comes it comes without a warning,"Nicole gave her a thanks smile, "come with me Amina, "she held her hand to take hers, "we should go and check if the drivers are here. "
"Sure thing, "she held Grace's hand and walked to the door, "make sure you won't cry today,"before they got any answer they closed the door and walked away.

"So, "Rose walked over to her friend, "I guess that the day is finally here. "
"Come here, "she opened her arms and the too friends hugged each other. They stared there for minutes in silence as if meditating or maybe they were doing that. Rose lifted her head from where she had buried it.
"I never thought that this day would ever come, "Nicole was holding her tears.
Rose sat next to her, "it's here and it's your to enjoy so please don't you dare break down. "
Nicole let a tear fall on her cheek before it was wiped away by her friend.
"I can't believe that in few hours I will be Mrs Agustin. "
Rose laughed at that, "you silly gal, it's not Mrs you hubby's first name but sir name. "
"Whatever, "she smiled, "will you fix this for me? "
Rose sneezed her hand and got up. She took the veil that laid on the bed and fixed it well. Nicole got up and straight her gown of course with her friend help. They hugged each other once more and after some cry even them not understanding they were for what purpose they had Grace shout from done stairs.

They walked out of the the room and now they were inside a car driving away.


Rose rang the doorbell. Ron opened the door and greeted them looking at his wife to make sure that she didn't have any labour pain.
"Come in guys. I'm so glad that you made it on time and my elephant wife didn't give birth on the way. "
"See, "Grace said laughing along with them, "we are not the only one that we think you're an elephant even your hubby calls you that. "
Amina didn't say anything instead she just smiled as the rest laughed.

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