chapter 6

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Monday was back again and just like everyone that hated Monday Rose hated it more. It was a begin of another week and to her it would determine how the week would be. She had taken her son to school before going to the office as usual. She went through some files and set them in different place. To her she wanted to make sure that everything was well arranged before she called off the meetings of that day. After doing that she waited for Ron to come and pick her up so she could be introduced to her now new boss.

Rose tried to remember how she had spend her previous day to keep herself busy at all cost. They had all gone to the park. Rose remembered how the park looked like. It had changed since the past seven years she was there last. Her friend and son were the only one who used to visit the park alone but yesterday thinks had changed for her. She had had allot of fun,since was able to forget her work for a while. She never thought that there was something more fun from doing her work and being with her son. But yesterday she learnt that there was. They all took crazy selfies with Nicole promised to put them as her status so as to everyone see them.

After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling the door was opened and then closed. She could her people talking out loudly and laughing. Just as she sat upright she met her gaze with Ron's. She smiled up at him and greeted, "morning, "as she looked at her wrist watch, "just one minute to past morning. "
Ron smiled back at her, "it's not my fault that that ass of a boss had to keep me waiting. But now he is here at last making his humour to everyone at the hall way. "

"He must be funny then since there is allot of laughter out there. "
Ron sat down and started telling her how he had become friends with the boss. He told her that they had met in high school and in a funny circumstances. Rose could not help but laugh after hearing the whole story on how they had met. Ron also told her that they got separated after high school but kept in touch. When they graduated their boss had was handed over his ancestral company and he asked his friend to come and help him make the company more successful.

"We got separated again seven years ago and now we are back together again,"he finished as he heard the next door open then close again.
Rose inhaled and exclaimed, "wow! "
Ron laugh then said,"it's time Rose, you ready to meet the mystery boss? "
Her hands were sweating when she answered yes. He smiled at her and just as they were about to walk out she said, "Ron I want you to know that I was happy working along side with you. And if I had an option I would love to continue working with. Thank you for being patient with my short comings and teaching me what I never knew before. "

She didn't know that she was crying until she heard Ron's finger wipe away the tears from her cheeks. He held her face into his big hands and made her lock her gaze into his, "look sweetie, " he began and she was shocked on hearing him call her that. She was used to him calling her by the first name but this made her feel special in a way. She wanted to smile but thought better of herself. Her thought were brought back by his last statement, "............I'm glad that we will still see each other. "
Without wanting him notice that she had not heard everything that he had said she nodded her head and said, "please forgive me for behaving like a teenager. "

He let go of her and said, "I like it because you scare the hell out of me sometimes. "
Rose laughed at his comment then turned to take a small mirror from her purse. She looked at her face and seeing that everything was okay with it,she returned it back and turned to Ron, "I'm okay now."
With only a smile Ron opened the door for her and together walked out. Ron knocked the opposite door and not waiting for respond opened it. He put his head first and then asked, "could I come in please?"
The response was, "you already got your ass in, so why ask? "

Ron smiled and opened the door wide to allow both of them fit at same time. Their boss was going through some stuff that he didn't pay attention to his friend. When the door was closed again he still didn't look up until Ron said, "I want to introduce you to your secretary. "
With that he looked up and this time his face changed. Rose could not believe her eyes this time. Her legs were becoming tired of caring her body. She held Ron's arm tight to support her. The man put down the papers that he was holding and opened his mouth but closed it.

With both of them confusing Ron he heard Rose say, "you? "


Hey guys we are at the end of the chapter and it was kinda of boring but I had to write it.

But at the end it gets interesting and I apologize for living you in suspense.

Who do you think she saw?and will she continue working for her new boss after seeing him?

As always 😍 you guys so much. Looking forward to updating the next chapter. Lol.

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