Part 2 - Treasured Times

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Luna cosplay~⬆️

As time passed, I found myself settling into a sense of home with Akira and Echo. I was always in awe of Echo's incredible fighting skills; her powers were beyond anything I had ever seen.

"Hu!" Echo grunted as she unleashed her sun magic into the air.

"Hu!" Echo grunted as she unleashed her sun magic into the air

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The immense power of her magic sent her blasting back!!!

I gasped in awe.

"Ouch!" she grunted, eyes squinting from the burn.

"Tst," she turned away from me to hide any indication of weakness.

I clapped intensely, sitting watching from the forest floor.

"That was amazing, Echo-chan!! You're so cool!" I beamed.

She panted, glimpsing at me without a smile. I could tell that she was a bit standoffish towards me, and I couldn't figure out why.

"Hm," she walked over to me to get her weapon that rested by my feet.

"Your sun magic really is amazing! I've never seen something so beautiful before," I blushed.

"Uh. Beautiful??" Echo exclaimed, not expecting that sort of adjective.

"Yeah! Your sun rays are so pretty; I'd love to make something so wonderful. You must really like the light, huh? Did you learn sun magic because you were scared of the dark? I don't really like the dark either," I babbled, eager to connect with her.

"... sometimes light can be scarier," Echo responded coldly.

"Really?? Wait, do you think you're scary??" I asked in disbelief.

"Uh. Do you NOT???" Echo seemed offended that I was more enamoured than threatened by her.

"No..???" I was a bit confused by her question.

"Tst. Well, what do you know," She snarled under her breath.

"How did you get so powerful anyway?" I wondered.

"How did you get so small?" she replied curtly, examining her sword.

"Err... am I small? Akira's about the same size as me," I mumbled, looking down at myself.

"I guess... my parents were small too?" I guessed.

"..." Echo glimpsed back at me as she lowered her sword.

"So you really don't remember anything?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"Akira seems familiar, though... you mentioned before how my memories could trigger feelings. And whenever I'm around Akira, I always feel this sense of... connection," I mentioned.

Echo didn't react with much emotion.

"How strange," she commented.

"I know, right?! Like, I don't understand why I'd recognise him somehow unless-"

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