Part 80 - Loves Kiss, Baby

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Shadow Moon entered the underground room that lit up around them to reveal...

... an enormous mess...

Arrows jutted out from the walls like a bizarre art installation, accompanied by an assortment of knives and hammers. Two colossal axe-like contraptions dangled ominously from the ceiling, swaying gently. 

In one corner, a collection of empty gas and oil cans hinted at a past attempt to create something dangerous... Above it all, a gas contraption loomed, looking as if it had already unleashed something. 

There was a broken square of the floor that had shattered. Galaxy looked down at it and muttered with disgust...


"Wow, I'm glad I'm not Yachel..." Atomu mumbled, observing the death pit.

"You think he fell down there??" Aki asked with concern.

"Smells like it!" Galaxy beamed.

"YACHEL!!! Blink if you're alive!!!" Atomu called down the void, making it echo throughout the temple.


"He's probably fine," Atomu guessed.

"Sounds like it goes for miles. I really hope he's ok. What if he got hurt and can't get out?" Luna asked with worry.

"He's stronger than he looks. And I can still sense his magic, so he's not dead, at least," Yukine commented.

"Shouldn't you be more worried?" Luna whimpered to Yukine's steady tone.

Yukine took a moment to reply, considering if he should be more concerned.

"... he's been through worse," he concluded.

"Hey, it's Nas!" Galaxy yelled in excitement, suddenly running to a skull and hugging it.

"Who the hell is Nuz?!" Echo asked.

"And how can you tell???" Luna added.

"Oh, we were kidnapped together!" Galaxy beamed, snuggling with the skull as if reminiscing. 

"What?!!!" Luna snapped nervously.

"Never got his actual name, but I call him Nuz cause we used to nuzzle in our cages together!" Galaxy went on.

"WHAT?!!!" Aki yelled in shock and anger. 

"What are you doing in the human world, silly? Did the insanity finally kill you? Aw, you were so close to freedom, too! What a shame..." Galaxy rambled to the skull.

"Galaxy, you were kidnapped???" Atomu questioned. 

"Shh, can't you see I'm catching up with a dear friend here?!" she hissed in reply. 

"But he's....." Atomu went to say.

"Just ignore her," Aki added, putting his hand on Atomu's shoulder as he passed him.

"Guys, this is a dead-end. How are we supposed to get to the next room?" Yurio asked, looking about him at the end of the cave wall.

"The books got a damn rip in it; I can't make anything out!" Echo complained, skimming through the book.

"How convenient," Yukine rolled his eyes.

"I thought a door would open once Yachel set off all the traps," Luna thought as Galaxy stepped towards the wall and placed her hand on it while still holding the skull.

"Hmmm..." she examined, sensing something on the other side. 

"Relax, I'll just teleport us," she suggested, turning around to the others.

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