Part 101 - Loves Best Friend

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Echo and the twins were strolling through the village of Oakvill.

Echo hummed to herself as she brought some materials.

"Is this the same material you used for Atomu's gloves?" Kyou wondered, looking at a leather material in the shop.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Hopefully, he won't always need them. But for now, it'd say it was a good investment," Echo mentioned.

"You're really incredible at creating things, Mistress. It's so admirable," Haru beamed.

"You know, if you ever needed metal for your weapons, I can provide them for you. It's just fabrics you'd need to go out and buy..." Kyou mentioned.

"Hm. Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. I've been working on more fabric projects lately than metalwork. It's kind of... calming. Plus, Luna can actually help me make clothes. She likes to model them and help sew the material. Hmhm. Though, she's very clumsy. I have to keep plasters on hand in case she hurts herself with the needle," Echo went on, putting the materials on the counter to pay for.

"I can imagine it's much more calming, making clothes than weapons. Weaponry is much more strenuous, right?" Kyou returned as Echo got out money to pay with.

"Exactly. When we get home, I'll see if Luna wants to make Yukine the hoody she was talking about. She wanted to make him one as a thank you for saving her and being a part of the family. But we never got around to it... it can be a promise that we'll see him again. That we can give it to him soon..." Echo smiled to herself as the man behind the counter put all her materials in a bag.

Kyou stood captivated by Echo's smile.

"That sounds lovely, Mistress! You're so kind-hearted. It's nice to see behind that cold exterior you put on," Haru beamed with red cheeks as the man passed her the bag.

"... I don't try and put it on.... somehow, you two just make it melt away," Echo smiled at them.

She headed out of the shop, leaving them flustered behind her.

"Well, I have to agree you've been acting quite different... You seem quite light on your feet today, Mistress," Haru mentioned as they caught up to her.

 You seem quite light on your feet today, Mistress," Haru mentioned as they caught up to her

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"That so?" she replied with a smile as she walked ahead.

"Are we to blame?" Haru smirked.

"You could say that. I've just realised something, that's all..." Echo told them.

The twins looked at each other in confusion.

"And what might that be?" Kyou asked.

Echo stopped and turned around to face them, her smile remaining.

"Maybe the world isn't as bad as it seems," she answered.

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