Part 36 - Aki's Party

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Later that day, everyone returned to Shadow Moon...

"I can't believe you lost me my job!!" Eclipse grunted, marching towards Shadow Moon.

"It wasn't my fault!!! You're the one who insisted you were better than me. What else was I supposed to do but issue a declaration of war?!!!" Echo raged.

"You could have accepted it like the mature women you proved yourself not to be," Eclipse taunted.


"Echo, is that smoke???" Luna suddenly noticed smoke coming from the kitchen window.

"....... ATOMUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!" Echo suddenly raged.

In the burned kitchen...

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT NOT USING THE KITCHEN, YOU BRAT?!!!" Echo lectured the crying Atomu.

The kitchen, Atomu and the twins were soaked in water from Luna putting out the fire.

"I'm sorry, Echoooo! I didn't mean toooo!!" Atomu balled, hair dripping water on the ground.

"You two!!! I thought you were supposed to be babysitting!!" Echo suddenly lectured to the twins.

"He was insistent, Mistress. We did try to stop him..." Haru shied away, hiding behind Kyou with a towel on his head.

"What the hell are you trying so hard to make anyway, Atomu?!"' Echo demanded to know.

"I just wanted to make Aki a cake for his birthdaaaayyyy!!" Atomu cried.

"Hm. And I thought you'd forgot," Aki smirked, chucking a towel on Atomu's head.

"Nooo!!! I'd never forget my best bros birthday!!!" Atomu claimed.

"I think we forgot.........." Yurio muttered awkwardly.

"Wait!! It's your birthday, Aki?" Luna asked.

"Yup!!" Aki grinned.

"That's great!!! How old are you now??" Luna asked.

"Meh. I lost track. I think I'm like..... a hundred andddddd.... six?? Or something??" Aki muttered.

"EH??!!" Luna squealed.

"Demon, Luna. Demon," Echo reminded her.

"You're..... over a century years old?!!!" Yurio needed confirmation.

"Yay! Demons can live for centuries. But nowadays, the average is like- what, a hundred? So I'm totally winning!" Aki smirked.

"Well, we should celebrate!!! Let's throw a party!!" Luna exclaimed, bouncing up and down.

"Oh my god, yessss!!" Aki agreed.

"Absolutely not!!" Echo rejected.

"What??? Aww, come on, Echo!! All I really wanted for my birthday was to see maid Eclipse at work, but Galaxy wouldn't even let me have that!! I at least deserve a party!!" Aki complained.

"I don't care!! We are not throwing a party in this house!" Echo told him.

"Castle..." Eclipse corrected.

"Who cares?!" Echo yelled in frustration.

"I care! Please! Please, Echo, please!" Aki begged and begged.

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