Part 115 - Flashbackkk

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After a good nights rest...

"Mmm..." Luna rubbed her eyes as sunlight shone on her.

She let out a big yawn.

"So sleepy... Mmmmm," She stretched in her bed, not wanting to get up.

She snuggled up into her covers before eventually tossing them off of her.

As she leaned her body up, she suddenly gasped, recalling last nights events...

"I'm sorry..."


"That's right... he might be in danger down there...!" Luna trembled.

She sighed as she turned her body to step down from her bed.

"I won't let you die, Yukine. You're not allowed to!!" She told herself in determination.

She brushed her hair and used her magic to sprout a flower in it.

"Mmm..." she pushed her hair back to look at the mark on her neck...

She shook her head and gently slapped her cheeks.

"It's ok!! It doesn't even hurt anymore... I shouldn't worry about it," she told herself.

But as she left her room and headed downstairs.

"Oh, hey, Atomu," she greeted Atomu, who was walking past her, reading a book titled "Fire resistance" with a note attached "Read this, idiot. - Kyou".

"Hey- Uh... hey, what h-happened to your...??" Atomu stuttered, dropping the book and stumbling back from seeing Luna's bite mark.

"Huh? Oh, this? Ah hah... kind of a long story..." Luna picked his book up and nervously gave it back to him.

"Oh... I get it..... It's just a mosquito, is that it?!! That's what Echo always says tooooo!!! But I know the truth!!! Galaxy told me what those marks really are!!" Atomu cried out.

"Uh... Sh-she did?" Luna squealed nervously.


"Virtue? What does he mean by that?" Luna mumbled in confusion, resting her hand on the mark on her neck.

She continued to walk towards the stairs...

"Hi, Leo. Is Yurio up yet?" Luna spotted Leo running across the corridor.

"Living room," Leo stated as he ran past.

Hiro came chasing after him.

"Careful you don't fall, Hiro!" Luna panicked.

"Gah!!! Th-the princess has been vandalised?!!" Hiro squealed, coming to an immediate halt in front of Luna.

"VANDALISED?!! What- no!!! That's not what--" Luna panicked.

"KING HIRO RETREATTTTT!!! DON'T LET MATURITY CORRUPT YOUUUUU!!!" Hiro screamed, running the other way.

"Wut? We surrendering already?" Aki asked, walking past Hiro, who sprinted the opposite way.

"Uh... Luna, your aura...." Aki's eyes widened.

"Huh?? What about it?" Luna asked.

"It's stronger..." Aki mumbled.

"Oh? That's strange..." Luna mumbled in confusion.

Aki's pupils shrank as he noticed the bite on her neck...!!

"....!!!!!! GALAXY, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!!!!" He suddenly ran off.

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