Part 27 - To Be Strong

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Aki & Galaxy cosplay >•< ⬆️

The next day, the sun was shining with a light breeze in the air.

Luna walked through the forest, memories flooding back to a year ago...

Yurio and Luna stood outside in the cold, snowy mountains. Luna was watching as Yurio practised his battle moves. Luna shivered in her coat as she gazed at Yurio, admiring his fluid movements and skill with magic.

"You know, your water magic could be good for fighting," Yurio mentioned, turning to her.

"Uh. Really?? Ah-... but... Well, I'm not that good with it yet. I don't even know where I would start learning battle moves," Luna mumbled, looking at him in surprise.

"Well, that's ok. I can teach you!" Yurio beamed.

"Uh! Really?" Luna beamed.

"Sure thing. Water magic is pretty similar to ice, so I'm sure I can teach you some attacks and defences. Plus, even if you've learned the magic, you'll need help with movement in battle. I can help you there too. Although... If Echo's your sister, I suppose you might already know some stuff," Yurio explained.

Luna nodded.

"Oh, yeah! Echo's really, really amazing at fighting! I've... never thought to ask her to teach me about her skills, though. I guess I never considered using magic for violence," Luna muttered.

"I was the same six years back..." Yurio muttered.

"Six years...? Is that when you started training?" Luna asked.

"It's when I learned I had to train," Yurio corrected, seeming rather uncomfortable suddenly.

"Did something happen to you as a kid...?" Luna wondered.

"... I'd rather not talk about it," he replied, hand on the back of his head.

"Oh..." Luna mumbled with a sad and confused look.

"Ah- anyway! If you wanna become strong... I'll help you get there!" Yurio smiled.

"Ah! Hm! Yeah! Let's do it!" Luna cheered.

"Hm. Ok, so let's start with what you already know. You might already have powers that can be used in battle," Yurio mentioned.

"What I already know...? Hm... let's see..." Luna muttered in thought.

"I can create trees," she said, and with a wave of her hand, a lively tree sprouted from the snowy ground.

"They won't die, even in these harsh conditions, either, since they're made with magic," she mentioned.

"Then, I can also create bushes with different fruits. Echo says they're not editable, though...." Luna went on, jumping down from the tree with a vine.

She formed bushes all around the tree.

"And I can create loads of different flowers too! Although... I guess that's not too useful in battle," Luna mentioned, sprouting flowers all over the ground and around the tree.

"Whoa..." Yurio mumbled, gazing at the beauty Luna had created.

"How do you know about so many different plants?" Yurio wondered, observing the diversity of the nature Luna had created.

"Hm? Oh, Ayaka taught me how!" Luna beamed.

"And Ayaka is...?" Yurio mumbled.

"I told you! She's my dragon!" Luna replied.

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