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Thanks guys for your support and hope you like this story..so from now on the actual story between abhi and pragya is going to start and let's move on to the story ..

Target : 85 votes

       Abhi entered his cabin and sits on his chair. He opened his laptop typing his password and looks kneely into it. He smiled insanely and a smirk formed on his lips. He saw her silky hair dancing near her shoulders,  the way she adjust her strand that disturbs her and her eyes explaining her emotions when he looked at her pulpy lips , he urges to taste it. He wiped the corner of his lips and was eyeing at her every single action , he started to have feelings for her. He was looking through the camera that's been fixed last night without anyone's knowledge , the place where she works and everywhere .

Fb starts ... 

   When abhi crossed pragya after that drastic meeting on the road , he looked at her who helped an old man crossing the road.  Although she gets late , she wanted to help that man. It creates a different feeling inside him. He gets down from the car saying he gonna meet his friend to Raghav. He started to follow her who came from the office with the relief after getting her wallet. She started to walk along the road and abhi's leg automatically started to move behind her. She reached the auto stand and takes an auto while abhi decides she is only for him. "Whomever may she be , I need her.. I want her to be mine" was the only thought running on his mind. He very well knew she didn't recognised him as raghav's brother and thought to fix camera all around the office. 

Fb ends..

" i am sure there must be some misunderstanding between you both " Raghav said as the waiter brings two cups of coffee for them.

Pragya taking it says "still I could not believe he is your brother " she sipped and looked at him in confusion.

" ofcourse he is.. " he said smiling at her.

" now what can i do ? Let me ask sorry for what happebed yesterday.. but what's there wrong in me? " she asked him.

" who asked you to speak like that.. if i was in his place , I would have slapped you for making fun on me" he said sipping his coffee.

" what ? " she snapped at him while he winked at her saying " fun.. how can i slap you ? It's like I am trying to kill me.." he said letting out a sarcastic smile.

" jokes apart.. I need to ask sorry to him.." Pragya said getting up from her seat.

" i will ask sorry on behalf of everything and will try to impress him.." she said smiling at him.

" are you sure ? Think before you get into this " he said while paying the bill to the waiter. They waits for him to come and gives a fifty ruppee note to him and leaves from there.

  Abhi was restlessly waiting for pragya as he could not get a glimpse on her. He is getting mad at himself and could not control his anger. He makes a call while fumes at him in anger.

" where is she ? " he asked little loud and anger.

" sir madam is coming out from the nearby cafe.." he informed him with the cracking voice.

" your work is to follow her . If she steps out of this office , it's your duty to keep an eye on her. And don't wait for my calls , you should call me and inform about her where abouts" he roared at him.

" sir.." he hesitantly spoke.

" what ?? Listen dont waste my time as I have many works than listening to your stupid talks  ." Abhi said running his fingers into his hair.

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