2.2 : Are we meant for each other ?

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Pragya's pov

        I was sitting on the bed nervously for few hours after my parents arrival. It was the most unexpected moment of life. While thinking about my baby , I curse myself for thinking about him.

' Pragya...!!! Do you want baby boy or baby girl ...!!' I looked at him with disbelief . He still behaves like a kid and wants to always win in every conversation.

' I want a baby boy like you !! Same dark brown eyes with innocent face..!! He should resemble you in each and every things...!! ' I said him reaching the balcony where we had two chairs accompanied with a coffee table which was bought recently by Abhi. He was already seated to further proceed with the conversation every time after the pregnancy test.

He tries to cheer me up talking cheekily so that we could sustain a hope inside us of still having a baby and also we can share our disappointment with each other.

' But I want a girl and she should be like you...!! Ditto...!!' He tells pulling my cheeks when I sat beside him . He surrounded his right hand around my shoulder and I gave up staying close to him .

I remined silent. We both have lots of dreams about our baby but its been months where our thoughts getting faded day by day.

All our relatives started to ask same thing again and again. And many started to suggest some doctors who can help us. But me and Abhi are strong at one decision. If god wants to bless us with a baby ; he will for sure. We got tired of answering them and stopped visiting the relatives.  Dadi too became weak but she won't persist us to reconcile our decision.

'But I want to see a mini version of you..!! Cute ; chubby and should have a good heart like you...!!'I said looking down not able to meet his eyes.

' Not again Pragya !!! We already talked about this and don't start again..'he tipped  my chin and I stare  away from him.

'I couldn't complete my duties as a wife ,  Abhi  !! I can't make you happy and i don't deserve you...!!' I told looking into his eyes where I could see only his anger bubbling inside.

' I am telling you Pragya that I am happy to have you in my life and please don't blame yourself !! You will be my first preference and then only comes our baby...!!!' He said kissing my forehead making me to get lost in his love.

' So back to our decision..!! First I want a baby girl just like you... and then may be boy if my lovely wife agrees..' he tells poking my nose making me to chuckle.

I can't hide such big thing from him. We both dreamt of having our baby for past few months. He too have the same rights as equal like me. But what about my pain he gave to me ? The grief which I am still going through ?

I tried not to think a lot about him but I can't help with it. I never thought about him these days but today I miss him so much. The only person with whom I wanted to share my happiness.

He may be somewhere busy with his life. He might have got married again and who knows , kids which he dreamt off. My thoughts came to a hault when I hear my papa's voice.

" Pragya beta ...!!" I instantly turned towards him with a fake smile who stood beside me with his hand on my head. He caressed my face with all his love and I can see how much he got weak after that incident. I felt bad and same time , allowing him to ruin my family happiness.

" Ji papa !!! " I even though sounded like a strong girl who had left her past behind me life but cringing inside alone not able to share with anyone.

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