45. Frozen Moments

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!!! And keep reading and supporting 🙏🙏🙏

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Pragya's pov

Taking one step forward might not be easy for everyone at every situation. My one decision on that day had changed my destiny for the destination.

I don't know what made me to make a bold move by agreeing to marry him. Till now I can't believe it that I agreed to a person who I hated to the core . If I didn't married Abhi , I might have let me into a hopeless life with raghav just believing that we are made for each other. I might have not realised what Is love ?

But that day had changed me completely. I don't know when I fell in love with him.. just I confessed him on the day agree when he was losing his life  ,  just because of me even after knowing that he had tried to kill my father.

I felt like my bare feet tickling when I was thinking about my life in my deep sleep. That made me to stir a little and finally I opened my eyes with a great struggle. It's going to be a perfect day because I am going to tell everything to him and will say yes to become his wife in all means.

End of pov

Pragya looks at the clock which was placed on the bed side table facing her and the gloomy light passing through the wide window made her to shriek a little. The weather was nice that made her to pull the quilt above her chest and by Closing her eyes , she traced her fingers on the soft material of the bed towards the table.

Pragya's hand moved as per her mind guides and felt something soft , dedicate like a  skin under her fingers. She could hear loud thumbing sound of heartbeat adding it to hers and flickered her eyes open to see Abhi sitting before her dressed fully in white Kurta and matching yellow pyjama's in her room with a wide smile. Her hand is placed perfectly on his chest and was covered by his hand accordingly.

She blushed a little thinking about their day and sits up straight on the bed taking her hand back from him. Brushing off her hair strand that disturbed her view , she was back to her thoughts and anger aroused inside her.

" How did you get inside ?" She asked pushing him back a little carefully and kneels before him who lost his track because of her sudden act.

" Woh..!! I didn't even had an idea that you will change your mind in one day..!!" He said with a teasing smile and pulled her towards him. She was late to react and got caged in his arms. Their forehead touched each other's and abhi brushed off her lips with his thumb , holding both her hands in his one hand.

" Leave me ....!!! You cheated me..!! I hate you...!!" She yells trying to free her hands but his hold was stronger than her strength.

" Come on...!! Say Yes to me and we will cancel all our plans and will spend today in this room itself.." abhi asked kissing her lips stirring her inner desires. Pragya cant stay silent as he is making her go weak infront of him.  If he continues this , she gonna say yes to him but this is not she wanted .

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