23. did she realized?

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Thanks guys for your wonderful support and many were confident that abhi can't do this..and some where pleading that don't make the story line again back to its form..I got lots of comments which I never ever dreamt of that plot.. nishabhigya said " oh ho..abhi should not think that pragya left him.." but dear ..." he said you can leave once your papa gets fine..." I hope abhi won't think like that..thanks all for your suggestions and this tells how much you love this story ... and coming to the point ,
Do you guys think abhi is not behind this..?
Or is Raghav plotting against them..?
Or it's his uncle...?

Many intresting twists are waiting for you...

Target : 130 votes...

Let's see who actually kidnapped her and if not abhi , will he able to save her this time..

Pragya was tied in a chair with ropes inside the dark room. It was very dark and she could not even guess where she is. Suddenly a flash light falls on her face , making herself to seek for a lonely place. It was bright which made to shut her eyes close . She quickly turned her face so that she could escape from that rays of light and saw she was tied in some old place. It looks dirty with all the old furnitures and things and could not guess where she is.

" why you are doing this to me ? Please leave me.." Pragya cried protesting on the chair.

" wait for a second madam.. your husband will come and will let you go.. actually he said you should not know that he had kidnapped you because he wanted to gain your trust and he doesn't like you working in a restaurant.. and you got a lovable husband .. why can't you just love him back.." a goon asked her and she tried to escape from there.

' is that true that he asked them to kidnap me.. but why ? No.. he can't be and someone is planning these things by using the name of abhi.. if abhi wanted to stop me , he would have said directly or blackmailed me in the name of my papa .. but he didn't... why I am trusting him blindly.. why my heart still longs that he will save me...'

The goon's phone rings and he excused himself from them..the other people were playing cards and pragya finds a glass piece near her leg. She wanted to divert the goon's attention so that she can cut the ropes and as she wished, the other goons went out when they heard a small sound.

Pragya took the glass piece inbetween her legs and tried to bring near her hands. She succeeds in it and slowly starts to cut the ropes and she thanked god that they had tied her hands in the front.

She cuts it perfectly and started to untie the ropes around her. She heard the goons coming back so just ran from there to hide herself some where .

" abhi bhai...? We didn't say that you asked us to kidnap her.. but she is in fear of us and when you are coming.. please don't beat us hard and we need to go to our next work.." the goon said and pragya listened to it.

Pragya listened to their talks when she was about leave that room. She could not believe herself of what she is hearing and hides behind the drum as they entered inside.

She thought to escape from there and when she steps out , the drum falls mistakenly and the goons saw her running away in high speed.

" arey ladki...catch her.." they started to run behind her and she almost left from that building. The goon's were chasing her and they got separated themselves to catch her.

Pragya huffed a little after few minutes of cintinous running , she could not find anyone following her , so she thought to take rest for five minutes because her breath was uneven and her heart beat was raising each second.

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