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Thanks guys for completing the target but it took almost a week I think it's not moving intresting and I know many of them were confused about abhi's changeover.. even i could not believe that people had made a bet in Twitter . Yes I am in Twitter.. please do follow @aditi_roysunshi . So hope soon you guys will find whether abhi had changed or not.


This update is specially dedicated to my dear friend Tharuuu_ as she had her birthday on past week.. just like a gift to her , I am wishing her a belated birthday wishes in behalf of me.. have a great year yaar...

Back to the update..

          Pragya was on her way to office and she feels like it's not an casual day because she gonna meet Raghav today. She was totally nervous and was profoundly sweating with no reason. She hided her mangalsutra even though she felt fear inside her spine. She totally wanted to avoid what happened a day before and feels something bad gonna happen today.

She fears whether Raghav will find it and what will she answer to him if he ask her. Already he feels like the girl might be a money minded person and after meeting her , will his thoughts change? Will he able to understand her ? Many thoughts were running inside her mind and with that she stepped out of the auto as she reached the office.

Abhi saw her near the entrance and smiled at her who didn't looked at him. She was still in her thoughts and that came to an end when she felt like crushed in between the strong arms.

" pragya... how are you ? I missed you so much...you know I was eagerly waiting to meet you.." pragya looked at Raghav who just finished his words. If it was an mother day , she would have hugged him back but after seeing abhi who was standing there with a smile , she gently broke the hug maintaining the distance between them.

" i am fine..how was your trip.." pragya asked back and raghav find that was too formal for him. He expected a more from her as she would give him the smile which he longed to see but she felt awkward by his touch.

" may be angry.." Raghav thought and decides to change her mood after sometime. Abhi looked at pragya waving his hand as " hi " and pragya just nod her head.

" bhai..where is your newly wedded fake wife..hope she didn't have any idea of coming to this office.." Raghav asked and abhi looked at pragya.  She was numb and shocked of his question and a lumb formed inside her throat.

" i am sure bhai.. she should be a money minded person who agreed to marry you without any demand.. how can she bhai..? Keep distance with her and you clear that , you will divorce her once our problem gets solved.. I hope she will not any shares in our properties.." Raghav said casually .

" stop Raghav.. she is not like what you think . She agreed for this not for money but she understood my situation and said she will help me.." Abhi said defending for pragya. Pragya brushed her tears that were brimming near her lashes and tried to act normal.

" bhai.. what happened to you ? You are supporting her and I am sure she might have done something to gain your trust...is she planning something ..? Be careful with her.." Raghav questioned abhi.

" enough Raghav.. no more words against her and this is office.. we are here to do our works and I think you will not dissappoint me.. " abhi said and was about to move but stopped looking at Raghav " and remember one thing .. she is my wife and give her what respect she deserves..." he said having a last look at pragya.  Raghav looked at her which was noticed by abhi " pragya.. come to my cabin as I need to discuss with you about the meeting we are having today.." Abhi said in a rough tone while pragya nod her head.

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