42. Suprise plans

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Enjoy reading...!!!

Distance never kills a relation . Closeness never built a relation. Its the care of someone's feelings which builds faith and maintains relation.

Something that had possibly caused the distance between us but might also bring us back together.

Sometimes I miss you so much , I Just want to rip you out of my dreams and hug you..

                        Pragya takes the knife with the determined look but nothing is running in her mind. It was blank like a white paper as like her life. It's been a month since Abhi left her alone in Agra ; still she couldn't come out from that incident. It kills her slowly and internally which gjves pain more than a cruel disease.

It was still dark and the moon light passing through the narrow window making the room to lit with the small brightness.

She closed her eyes as her palms firmly surrounded the knife's bottom with her hands shaking slightly with sweat beads on her forehead. The moments she spent with abhi flashed before her eyes ; as a drop of tear kissed  her cheeks unknowingly to her.

" Lights....!!!" She heard a voice and she starts to cry hard as she had got back her soul ; like she had escaped from the cruel death. The pain which was choking her to breathe has stopped once she heard his voice.

How much she had longed to hear his voice. She fears to open her eyes as he might vanish like a dream.

Unable to suppress her feelings , whether he is present or not ; pragya opened her eyes slowly with a hope that he is near her ; physically present beside her to be the only reason for her , to live.

" Camera....!!!" His voice again brought back her to the reality as she looked around and finally her eyes met with his ; who is smirking at her.

She was confused !! Her mind wants to scream at him for leaving her alone and coming back after a month and standing there as nothing happened between them instead of consoling her ; seeking her forgiveness.

" Why did you stopped ? I am shooting your skills so that tomorrow I could submit this video to Ekta and will ask her to put you as a lead in her next dragging show..!! Come on now you continue...!!" He said gesturing the camera to her which he is holding in his left hand and was slided his right into his jeans pocket.

Though pragya was confused profusely ; she couldn't take her eyes from him. He didn't changed a bit. Yet his beard had left unshaven and his eyes were blood shot red. She can already see his torned muscles as her eyes travelled to his eyes which conveyed something in a mischievous way.

He was not angry on her instead she could feel a longing concern in his eyes like her. But she doesn't know why she can't accept the fact that he didn't stopped her or shouted at her for taking this drastic step.

" Abhi...!!" He heard his name from her after one month of his loneliness life. Everyday he wish that he could return to her ; but he waited for this day and finally it had arrived. He can see how much she had lost her weight ; her state was more vulnerable than he ever dreamt off. But she is going to be the most happiest person in few hours. After that all her fear ; her sadness are going to vanish like a snow .

" Why did you stopped ? Do you know what you are going to do pragya ? " asked abhi nearing her in his serious tone .

Tears flooded from her eyes ;  as soon as she hugged him marking that he is infront of her for real. Her worries ; her madness ; her anger disappeared at the time his hands surrounded around her shoulders.

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