36. You took my soul😟😟

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Thanks guys for your support and many were asking me to update this as all were in the peak of curiosity,  I don't want to break it.. 😉😉 and JoySam16 really I dont know how smartly you are guessing what's in my mind. I could only just feel awe 😲😲😲when I see every message from you. Thanks for your great support in my every update..
And I am trying to find some other ways so that you could not find what's in my mind..😢😢 Jokes apart.. really thanking you from the bottom of my heart and yeah..
This chapter is specially dedicated to you..

And guys I know you wanted to know what happened to pragya...!!😆😆😆relax😯😯

As surely as the sun will
rise tomorrow ; so too
will my heart beat only
for you..

                        Abhi and Rishab finished all their meetings and they got a big opportunity to work with the foreign investors who really liked their sincerity. Both believes that their company can grow to the higher position if they completes this project.

Even though Abhi is happy about the offer but his heart was around pragya. He got the message from chutki few minutes after he left from home that pragya went back to sleep rather than waiting for him till morning. He could only smile seeing his wife protesting with him not to leave her alone. But he could understand her situation. Really she is worried about Raghav' s presence. Abhi thought to suprise her once he gets back to home.

" Abhi.. how is pragya di?  In this tension , I forgot to ask about her..?  " Rishab asked as they were leaving from the company.

" She is good and don't want me to work in night !! I am late today because of her..!!" He said remembering about her anger.

" She will really miss you. I mean you are the only person whom she knew here and I am really sorry yaar ..! !" Rishab felt guilty as it was him who urgently decided the meeting .

" Thats okay.. but I will take an off today." Abhi said as Rishab looked in confusion , he continued " show some mercy man.. I have to apologise to her and its been long time we spent time together.. so hope you won't mind it .."

" not at all.."  said Rishab reaching near his car. " have a good day and say my greetings to pragya di..." he said before leaving from there.


Abhi reached home as it was early morning , he didn't find anyone in the hall. He directly thought to enter theie room.

' I know pragya is really missing me.. today we are going to spend some time for us.. I know you will get happy and i am waiting to see the smile on her face.. '

Abhi entered his room with a big smile on his face with the thought that she will be still in sleep but to his dismay he was shocked to see his wife lying on the unconscious.  He saw her phone that was broken into pieces and he felt his own breath catch in to chest. The cold went deeper inside his heart and wave of loneliness threatened to engulf him again.

" pragya..." he rushed to her taking in his arms who looked weak and like a fragile doll. He could see the dried tears on her face and he felt her chillness at the moment he touched her .

Abhi tugged pragya in the bed and covered her properly with the duvet. He immediately called chutki who came rushing towards their room.

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