18. Emotional motions

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I am really sad after seeing the response for the last update.. I know you didn't liked my last update as he tried to kill her father but its just a chapter guys that's needed in the story. He was in fear whether she might go away from him but it just his insecurity. ..

I am talking to the person's who are just reading and passing by. Not even a vote but you can comment atleast.. I was happy that this story got such a good response and even now i am updating for the people who really love this story.. If I didn't get enough response may be I will soon end this story.. it's not a threat guys.. it's just what I feel inside .. so let's see how much it gets it's response..

I am not setting any target today as I don't know when I will be updating the next one.. seeing your response , I will decide whether to update it or not..

Let's get into the story..

  Pragya looked at the truck coming towards her.  She closed her eyes in pain as she is tired of fighting in her life. Everyday she feels like she is standing in a battle for a war. She wants to end it and it has only on solution.

" pragya.." abhi called her loudly and purab was following him. He knows that he is the reason for the mess in their life but he could not see her moving away from him. The way he shows her love might be different but he loves her truely.

He just wanted to ask her as he realised how much her father is important to her . In anger , fear of seeing her hate in that eyes  and to stop her father from informing her , he did like this. Out of his mind,he did something which directly hurts her .

The truck was moving faster than the speed it must be and the loud horn could be heard and the man who must be the cleaner , shouted her to step away by tilting his head out from the window.

Pragya didn't heard anything and she just stood though her legs trembled and hands were shivering in the fear of death but her heart felt a peace of relaxation. But still she was closing her eyes and it passed almost 2  minutes and she thought that the truck must have hitted her.

Pragya opened her eyes and was shocked to see the same truck which was parked few feets before her and both the driver and cleaner was getting down. She turned to find abhi and purab laughing at her in the way of teasing her and she just wanted to bang her head on some wall .

" how it stopped suddenly .? I know it might be his job and I am not going to leave that driver.." Pragya walked ahead and turned the driver to her side in the rage of anger.

" why you stopped when you were about to hit me ? I would have died happily..you  spoiled everything.." she shouts at him and he was already fuming in anger.

" good show bhai... I could not control my laugh .. " purab said trying to suppress his smile.

" sshh..watch the show.." abhi said folding his hands across his chest. He leaned against his car looking at pragya with a smile.

" oh hello madam.." the cleaner said forwarding towards her and she felt alcohol smell while he neared her. She closed her mouth with her palms and took a feet back in fear.

" are you drunken..." she asked still her mouth closed but yet the voice was audible to them.

" yes.. what you will do.. and by the way we didn't stopped the truck as it must have hitted you but escaped because the tyre got punctured and it stopped abruptly.." the driver said .

" i am cursing you that you both will not get a peace of death.. " she warned them by pointing her index finger while both the driver and cleaner laughed at her.

" are you coming from the mental hospital.. thank god you didn't die by our truck... " the driver said and pragya fumes in anger.

" what you said..? Am I looking like a psycho.." she asked holding his collars and abhi thought to stop her as it's going in the different direction.

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