41. Fate of our love

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Thank god..

Finally it's updated..

       Pragya stood near the entrance deep rooted in the place where abhi had left her abruptly warning her not to follow him as he wants to stay alone.

' From when he started to hide his feelings from me !! I know I hurted him once again because of my foolishness but he would have asked me at least once !! I might have explained him..!! Always trying to run away instead of facing it …'

Though her heart blames him for this situation but somewhere in her heart , she felt low for his sudden outburst. She still remembers how he took out his anger on her as hot tears traced her cheeks.

As pragya jumped in happiness as her fear just got vanished like a snow and looked around to find abhi gazing at her with a bewildered look.

She ran towards him to congratulate when purab tries to stop her as something worst going to happen between them.

Bulbul was happy as finally everything is going to get cleared between abhi and pragya. When pragya discussed about her insecurities in their relationship and the fear that haunts her each and every second ;  bulbul  suggested her an idea that sowed the seeds for her endless happiness.

When pragya was rushing to meet Abhi and to share her happiness , raghav blocked her way with a grin on his face.

" won't you congratulate me..? " he asked smirking as his eyes scanned at her netted saree ; her soft skin shinning the dim light.

Pragya wants to wipe that smirk off from his face but after looking at his gaze;  she felt uncomfortable to stand before him. She felt as if been exposed infront of a stranger which belongs only to her husband.

Avoiding his gaze ; she scanned for abhi who is just standing there with purab who is trying to talk with him. But abhi didn't paid any attention and was glaring at her.

Averting her gaze from abhi ; Pragya looked at raghav who is standing infront of her with the award and the reality strikes her.

Now she understood why raghav blocked her way.

'but how did it happened as purab informed me that abhi is going to get the award… !! ' she was confused.

" come on !! I know you are damn happy seeing my victory , as I saw you more happy than ever!! This made me to realise that you still love me…" raghav said with a smile.

' is he mad ?Who said that I was happy because he got this award..!! Hell with his success..!!' Thought pragya.

" I know its your one of the so called plans to separate me and abhi but mark my words.. you cant do anything as this pragya belongs to abhi only.. got it.." she asked with her raised brow that made raghav to fume in anger.

He twisted his fist in anger as she passed him with a pity smile and a smile formed in his lips partially knowing about what's going to happen next.

' many girls are ready to become my wife but why i can't marry anyone..? Still I need pragya !! No its not love !! I need to show her the real place in abhi's heart !!  Might be I will get happy if I spend a day with her..' thought raghav gazing at pragya who was walking towards abhi.

Abhi was impatiently waiting for Pragya as soon as his eyes fells on her who is speaking with raghav. He knew that something made her more happy but at the same time ; he was sad because he is not the reason behind her smile.

" Abhi…!! I want to say something important which I was hiding for these days..!!" She started picking up all her courage as she reached near him.

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