24. Confession

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Sorry guys for my late updates .. I am late as I am hospitalized and strictly warned not to use mobiles..or laptop.. feeling really sad and I saw many messages in my inbox to update my ff's.. sorry...again.... I hope you will not mind it and will support me.

" On this auspicious occasion,
May joy, prosperity, and happiness
Illuminate your life and your home.
Wishing you a Happy Diwali💥💥"

Happy reading..

Pragya was pacing near the door infront of the operation theatre with all the hopes that he will get fine soon. She was continuously praying to god that the operation must be successful.

" pragya beta.." she turned as she heard dadi's voice behind her. She was frozen by her touch and a lumb formed inside her throat. Dadi was looking pale and aliya was looking devasted by abhi's condition.

" Dadi.. nothing to worry .. he will be fine and he is just seeking our attention.." Pragya said wiping her tears while dadi nods her head in acceptance.

" you are right pragya.. now a days he is not even listening to my words.. once he open his eyes na.. I will not spare him.." Dadi said and pragya made her to sit on the near by chair.

" bhabhi.. he will be fine na .." aliya asked and pragya nodded her head in agreement.

The doctor comes out and everyone rushed to him hoping for the best. Pragya shivered a little and moved towards the doctor.

" we are trying our best to save his life but his body conditions are really worse and not even responding to our treatment. His bp,  pulse is very low and in these 3 hours it didnt raised a bit.. " the doctor said while dadi started to cry. 

" purab ... take care of dadi and doctor , can I meet abhi.. " pragya asked and he asked her not to disturb him. She agreed with him and entered inside the operation theatre.  She saw two nurses standing near abhi , checking all the parameters and many stiches were seen along his waist part.

she slowly walked towards him taking small steps with many thoughts running inside her mind. She gestured the nurses to leave them alone for few minutes and they agreed with her.

She traced his forehead as soon as she sat beside him. He looked pale and her hand reached his waist. Her fingers lingered on the stitches which still had some blood stains. He didn't react and just looked like I is sleeping peacefully.

' why did you pushed me..? I must be the one who should have been here.. I am really tired of waiting for you abhi.. I know the first day i met you , I didn't had any feelings for you but your love changed me and my thoughts !! My papa used to say , you have to go through the worst to get the best.. that's like , I got you abhi.. I don't know what made me to love Raghav.. bevause I won't say it's a love.. but the same didn't happened with you.. I felt a different feeling when you was with me.. which was new for me.. I didn't experienced it with no one and thats when i realised " I love you.."... yes I am eager to spend the rest of my life with you abhi.. I know it took time to say these words but I don't think I will get a chance like this to express my love to you abhi.. please open your eyes and say that you are for me.. like always.. I need you in my life.. wake up abhi.. ' pragya cried her heart out surrounding her hand around his hand not to hurt him and kept her head on his chest.

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