chapter 06

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Hello guys.. Hope I didn't dissapointed you without updating this ff. I got supernatural power as I am feeling excited today to write this chapter. New day , meeting new people making me to think that my life is not as hard like the people I met. And why I feel excited is that I took a great step as a story teller spreading useful things to people world wide. Our five friends started this , rather our career we gonna plant something we can do. Thanks to everyone for making this story a success and some people asked me to make first : pragya should trust abhi but you guys think its possible in just 3 days for abhi. Let's see and hope it will not turn to humsafar as some feel quite similar with it.  No .. It will be not and I am careful about it.

In office :

    Its been just two hours as raghav left waving a good bye to pragya . she felt really hard to leave him but once again she made up her mind that this is really important for his career. She could see how abhi enjoying seeing her pain and she feels does he really loves her to see in pain ? If he loves then he must think of her happiness. But he didn't and will not.

A few hours before

As purab and raghav left , pragya had no other way of going back to the office with abhi. It's her first time traveling with him and she felt fear inside but didn't show up. Abhi could sense her fear but he never opens up as it will end in some drastic situation . there was an awkward silence between them after the rough kiss on that day as none of them came forward to have a talk with each other. Pragya tries to hide herself from him barely stucks with raghav who can help her. But when ever she passes his cabin , she could feel his strong gaze on her.

He never look if raghav present around or not and while constantly drooling on her whuch makes her uncomfortable. She thinks how he gets the video clip and was planing how to erase it.

Pragya looked at abhi who is driving with the full concentration on the road but never missed to steal glances on her. She turned aside looking through the window jaming with the door trying to escape from his hot gaze. But do she have a way ?

Abhi smiled at her antics which pulls his attention more on her. The way she looks at him and her intense yet fear filled gaze makes him to lose his sense. He just want her to be his , only his. He could not explain what sort of feelings he had bottled up for her but sure its not less than love.

To avoid his gaze , she opened the compartment that's in front of her to pass the time. She abruptly opened it when her eyes widened with a shock on her face.

She barely saw few pockets of condoms when abhi closed it before she could react. She palmed her mouth with her hands trying to bring back herself normal.

" why you are keeping such stuffs here? " she asked as abhi didn't paid attention  to her.

" what if someone sees and you don't even have some manners..." She roared at him thinking how disgusting he is. Abhi felt as he again failed in front of her eyes.  He want to show his love towards her but be ends up making her irritated by his behavior.

" you are making out in car.." She asked him all of a sudden abhi applied the break making her to gasp a little of sudden jerk. He turned towards her with a smirk making a sign of negative vibe inside her.

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