10. Getting married ?

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Thanks guys for your wonderful support as the target has been completed I am updating this ff and humsafar needs more votes hence I could not post it. Hope it will be updated soon.

Target : 120 votes

Days rolled into weeks and pragya could see the genuine behaviour in abhi. It was strange for hee to believe that he wants her to be friend and giving him a chance , she earned more trust on him. Raghav becomes quite busy in his future project and could not spend more time with her while she never felt fault on it. She remains happy as finally he is getting his dream project. No one knows better than her as Raghav worked hard for that.

She used to spend times with abhi and she felt guilty when she find nothing in his phone.

Fb starts ...

Abhi was busy in his meeting while he left his phone on the desk itself. Pragya was seated there as an important member of the company as well as his p.a. yes , after they became friends , she worked for abhi too. Raghav was happy that she is really understanding him and his brother. She looked at his phone and a thought popped up in her mind. Taking his phone without anyone's knowledge, She slides the finger on the screen to open the lock. Her heart and mind were screaming at her to do fast. She glanced at abhi and noticed that he is still busy with his clients. She opened his gallery and started to look for the video . She could not find the video for what she is searching and was going through the pictures. He could see him smiling happily in some photos posing differently but in the same place. " is that so special for him..? ". At last , she gathered information from purab as he knows everything about abhi. She was shocked when he said that abhi deleted the video.

Fb ends.

In abhi's cabin

" is there any way left out ? " abhi asked scratching his fore head looking stressed more.

Raghav and pragya enters his cabin and was confused about his anger filled face. Raghav gestures at pragya whether if she knows something but she nod her head in negative direction.

" what happened bhai ? " Raghav asked finally getting some courage sitting before him. None had to speak a word to abhi when he is in angry mood.

" i don't know why papa did something like this ? It's gonna damage our lives , business and our company... " abhi said in a sad tone.

" but tell me what is the problem ? Let me find some solution " Raghav asked and looked at pragya to confirm whether he id right and an just nod her head in acceptance.

" papa had prepared a document like I have to marry before this month else our properties will be transferred to the live life old age home.. which was owned by his ex wife " abhi said looking at Raghav who looked at him in shock.

" what ? But how can he ? " he took the papers from the lawyer and had a look at them. " seriously I could not believe that uncle will do something like this !!" She said in a disbelief.

" i am not in mood to marry anyone nor i am ready to give up my business.. your life , carrier also depends on it.." abhi said closing his eyes in stress.

Pragya looked both of them in confusion as she doesn't know what she should say now.nothing comes in her mind and just remained silent.

" and we have only one day as your birthday is on day after tomorrow.." raghav said in a low tone.

" what we are going to do Mr.  Merha" the lawyer asked and abhi gave him a blank expression.

" really I don't know what we have to do !!" He said palming his face on the desk for support .

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