35. We two remain same..!!

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Thanks guys and many of you guys as already its revolving around abhi , pragya and raghav .....

Hope you will like this update..!! And happy holi guys..!!

A strong relationship requires choosing to love each other even in those moments when you struggle to trust each other..

                             Pragya rushed towards the door as someone was impatiently knocking the door. Everyone assembled there to know who is that and riya was looking indeed happy . Abhi noticed it and thought why she is behaving weird today and could not control his anger as still the way she shouted at pragya lingering in his mind.


who can it might be..? " Mohan asked and radha smiled at him. He knew that she is aware of someone's arrival as radha asked chutki to prepare aarti plate.

Pragya opened the door thinking of what bulbul was saying few minutes before. She was indeed waiting for it but she never had gutts to say what's in her heart to abhi .

She saw someone standing in the entrance with a big flower bouquet and no one could see the person's face. Pragya looked at abhi with a blank face and he moved towards her to enquire more.

" I am back.. !!" Both abhi and pragya were shocked to see the person's face whom they never want to meet. It was raghav standing there with a smile on his face. He was wearing a reading smirk on his face looking at the stunned abhi and pragya.

Pragya's smile dropped as soon as she saw him and nervousness took over her ,feeling numb before him. These days ,she was happy that everything is returning back to normal but she was wrong. Their life's biggest truth is standing before them.

Really she didn't worried about her. But abhi..! ! She know about his anger. As well she also know that he can go to any extent for her. Raghav will not be quite and will try to pull him which might risk his life.

" Raghav..." they heard Riya's voice from behind abhi . He stunned as how did she know about him and pragya saw radha ma coming with the taali plate. She sighed abhi not to create any fuss and they both passed a smile seeing radha ma's happiness.

" Namaste beta.. Riya was telling about you in the morning itself.. good to see you here.." she took aarti and pragya wondered why he is here .

She looked at abhi who is already outraged by his presence and with no ways left , pragya held his hand in worry.

" We are opening a new branch here and I have to be here for some days. I was about to check in , but riya asked me to come here. I didn't troubled you guys right..." he narrowed his eyes at pragya while Mohan felt a sadness in pragya's face.

" let's leave.." abhi held her hand feeling his wrong intentions but pragya stopped him.

" atleast we have to stay here for ma. What she will think abhi..? " pragya asked him as abhi replied " i don't worry what others might think about me but all my thoughts are about you.. how you gonna handle this situation..? " He squeezed her hand gently.

" you are here with me right?  Then nothing can even near me, not even that raghav. And we should be happy atleast he gonna marry Riya..." Pragya said .

" but I don't think he will marry her. He is here for something..!! I don't know what's that but I am sure,  he gonna create a rift between us.." abhi said while pragya gazed at him blankly.

" Are you going to leave me whatever the situation?  " pragya asked as abhi nods his head negatively " then no one can seperate us.  Let's see what he can do..? Or you might be wrong !!! " pragya said gently taking his hand in hers.

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