27. Craving for each other...

1.4K 213 77

Thank you for your support.. I know the target didn't reached yet I am posting it because only one more vote is left and in few days it's gonna get completed.

I heard from crazymahiz that people are criticising the works.. other than others no one know how hard is that to write a word..
Seriously many people said that they could not even imagine these things.. absolutely,  they are our insinuations and that's why it's called fiction stories..some asked me why its not like kkb,  then what must I answer to them , they are readig it without any knowledge and criticizing it without having any thought of what it actually is.. I request you guys to please stop reading so that we can work peacefully.  And dont worry mahi.. it happens frequently to me and just pass away without paying any heed to it..

Target : 140 votes.

Craving for each other..

     There is nothing more important than being with our loved ones in the hard time. Same goes with pragya , she just want to admit that she is not responsible for it and want to be with him , to share his pain and to take the burden of the sorrow.

She doesn't know when she started to care for him , when he became her life . She remember the day he trust her and also the day she gained the trust on him.

Loving a person doesn't means only to share their happiness but also the pain with them. To give the hope that anything can be achieved if they have a belief on them.

Pragya was searching for abhi in every places she thought he might be. It is getting dark and she had no way to return home. That was a moment she realised the fact that where he can be.

" how can i forget it..? " pragya thought slightly hitting her forehead. She ran towards the car and asked the driver to take her there.

" thank you god for making me to remember that place.. please wait for me abhi.. I am coming. I know in what state you will be.." she thought and took her mibile to convey bulbul that she will come with abhi.

Abhi was sitting in a dark place and he was thinking about what has really happened in his life. Everything had snatched from him infront of his eyes by only one sign. Everyone made him fool to fulfil their desire. He felt cheated by the people whom he believed the most.

He never thought that his uncle , pratap will betray him.  Yes he knew that pratap is latha's brother but more than that , he trusted him. And Raghav , he always thought like a own brother but he joined with that women. Is he wrong or the people against him are wrong..?

He heard a horn sound and saw a car driving towards him. It stopped near him and he wondered who might be.

Pragya stepped out from the car and abhi saw her asking the driver to park the car aside. He wonders how come she is here and then remembers saying this place to her.

" abhi.." she kept her hand on his shoulder while he sat unaffected by her touch. He was just staring at the ground and noticed her sitting beside him . He could see traces of tears on her cheeks and some were trying to come out from her eyes. She is controlling it to give him strength.

She very well know that she will break down if she saw abhi like this but yet she tries to hold back her tears .

" abhi.. I swear that I didn't involeved in it and I don't know what pratap uncle and Raghav had planned. I was trying to reach you but everything happened before I could come.. you trust me right..." she asked taking his hand in hers waiting for his reply that he believe her. She doesnt want anything than his trust which felt more important in her.

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