30. Together for Infinity

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Thanks guys for your support 😀😀😀as its my 30th chapter of this story😆😆 and i am dedicating this chapter to all my friends and followers ,the people who never forget to vote..🙏🙏🙏 this story had became many people's favourite one and I am really thankful to the person who made me to write this story. Hope this love continues till the end...


Life is an intresting story , no one can predict what going to happen the next minute , the next second

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Life is an intresting story , no one can predict what going to happen the next minute , the next second.. Abhi was confused of what he gonna do next when he left Mumbai with pragya. But thank god , they met Mohan and radha. Yes Abhi was literally irritated by Mohan but after seeing his genuine love , he could not stop himself by praising him. Really they gonna make their life intresting. But he was happy that finally pragya can forget what happened few hours before.

Pragya looked at abhi who was sleeping peacefully. She was equally worried about what they are going to do next. She want to convey him that without him , her life is incomplete. Now they are going to start a new life , only them..

They reached Agra on the very next day and Mohan and radha took abhi and pragya to their home.

" Abhi and pragya beta.. don't think it's gonna be a big mansion but here you can live peacefully.."Mohan said getting down from the car.

Abhi and pragya got down in the narrowed street which consists of lots of houses. But those looked like ancient buildings with colourful paints. Everyone were staring at them leaving their works.

" Radha ji? Your relatives ? " a lady asked and she nods her head in response.

" come beta .." Mohan said and asked chutki to open the main door. She ran taking the keys from him and riya unloaded all their bags from the car.

Abhi and pragya were about to enter inside when radha stopped them. She came with the aarti plate and asked them to stand together.

" aunty ji.. what's the need for all this ? " abhi asked and pragya too looked at them with the same question.

" you are coming to our home for the first time and we consider pragya as our daughter, so what's wrong with it.. keep quite.." radha said smiling at them.

Pragya held back her tears as her thoughts went back to the last night's incidents. She really miss her family, more her papa.

" come in..welcome to our home.." chutki said and pragya came back to the reality.

" Abhi ..Pragya beta..you can use the guest room as of now , no availability of shifting to that apartment as still they extended to next month.. so can you both adjust here.." Mohan asked with a low tone.

" what a question is this uncle..we can manage here.. " abhi said giving him a warm smile.

" pragya.. purab had arranged a job for me in this locality and that company's GM asked me to meet today..so i have to leave soon.." he said.

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