19. Love finds it's ways ..

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Thanks guys for your huge support..without any demand - I mean target you guys showed your love towards this ff and yes I am going to continue long and long as many scenes are hooking up in my mind.. will give block buster shots and soon pragya will realise her love for abhi..for sure.. and let's get into the update..

Target : 120 votes..


Pragya and abhi reached Mehra's mansion . As soon as purab parked the car , he looked at abhi to ask pragya to get down. Abhi with much fear , turned towards her side who was just staring outside with tears in her eyes.

' why Raghav doesn't supported me and why he left abhi's office.. I think he is angry on us for hiding the truth.. ha whomever in his place , will get mad at me.. but why should he go there where abhi doesnt like.. confusing yaar..'

" pragya.. get down..we reached my home " abhi said getting out of the car. He expected her to be stubborn but she just gets down with expressionless face. Though abhi feels guilty for forcing her but he had no other option left.

" let's get inside .." he said moving infront and purab followed him. Pragya remembered about her papa and rushed beside abhi .

" abhi.. I want to meet papa...he is fine right ? " pragya asked him blocking his way.

' how much she cares for her family.. but i shattered everything into pieces .. i want this love and care for me.. only me.. '

" you could not see him as visiting hours are over.. let's go and meet tomorrow before leaving to company.." Abhi said entering inside .

Pragya had no other option and agreed with him. She entered inside and could not find no one inside. The big living area was looking faded though it has luxurious furnitures and designed walls.

' is he living alone ? There is no one for him. I must be careful as anything could happen.. I am not going to trust him again ..'

" purab .." Pragya stopped him who was about to enter his room. He turned back and was frightened of what she gonna ask now .

" purab...where is his family..? " pragya asked stopping purab who have her a blank expression.

" pragya.. Abhi doesn't have any family because his father and mother died. His dadi and his sister is living in lenovala..." he said resuming his way back to his room.

Pragya doesn't know where to go and she sat on the sofa bitting her nails. Number of questions were running inside her mind .

' he forcibly brought me here but didn't even look at me once whether I am fine or not..else he want me to come to his room..no way.. I wont go to his room..

Abhi comes to the living hall as he knew that pragya must be waiting for him. He checked purab and He was sleeping peacefully.

" pragya.. can I get a coffee.." Abhi asked settling himself on the sofa opposite to her .

' if i argue with him , sure he will blackmail with my papa 's health and I don't know when his mood changes.. better I will say nothing ...'

Pragya walked into the kitchen and it was clean and she starts to find everything inside the fridge and interior was designed lavishingly.

She poured milk in the glass which she took from the fridge and adds sugar with the coffee powder. She mixed it well and takes it to serve for abhi.

" here..." Pragya gave it to him and settled on the couch. Abhi thanked her and sipped his coffee. The first thing which she made for him.

" yuck...what's this ? " abhi asked spitting the coffee he sipped and kept the mug on the sofa beside him.

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