26. Life is what , you make it

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Hello guys...happy that this story crossed 25 chapters without any delay.. thnks for all the supports and hope it reaches atleast 50.
Let's see will pragya find out the truth and can she stop abhi from signing the document. Come let's see...

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Pragya was on her way to meet pratap as she knew that some thing wrong is happening around her and abhi

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Pragya was on her way to meet pratap as she knew that some thing wrong is happening around her and abhi. She clearly understands that pratap is doing a favor to Raghav and she also know that abhi will not believe anyone who talks ill about his uncle.

She reached Raghav's office and thought a second whether she have to enter inside or not. Pragya then took a deep breath and she want to do this for abhi.

" may I know where pratap uncle's cabin? " pragya asked the receptionist who was looking at the monitor . She looked at pragya for a second and made a call.

" he is in the second floor mam.." she said with a smile and pragya thanked her. She fastly paced towards the lift which was about to close and enters inside.

' it's almost evening and abhi will be waiting for me.. it's time for our walk.. these days , I could not even think about him even for a second . Our relation between us started to grow stronger and soon I have to propose what's inside my heart. I am eager to see his reaction but want to know about raghav's secret motive..hope he should not interfere in our lives again..'

In Mehra's mansion

" your di will get happy if she comes to know that you came here.." abhi said while sitting on the sofa with bulbul and purab.

" yeah.. I came to know that di is taking care of you and she is becoming over possesive on you.." bulbul said letting out a chuckle.

" nothing like that.. she is feeling guilty that she is responsible for this condition..and yeah..I know she started to love me but will not get convince with that easily.." abhi said and bulbul smiled at him.

" you don't know about that matter na jiju.." bulbul asked who winked at purab.

" what matter...? " abhi asked frowning at her.

" di cursed you for revealing your ex- girlfriends and she was jealous of that girls.. she said she want to strangle their neck and I am damm sure jiju, she will admit it soon.." bulbul said remembering her conversation with her di who possesively talked about her husband.

" really... " abhi exclaimed as he could not believe and also could not supress his happiness. He was waiting for the day they gonna start their life.

" abhi beta.." pratap called disturbing their conversation. Abhi welcomed him and bulbul , purab excused from them.

" hope you are doing fine.. I could not believe that Raghav did something like this.." he said and abhi remained silent.

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