12. making her to smile

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Thank you so much for your love and affection towarfs my ff. As I said , now a days I am not feeling well to write or to do anything.  But trying to finish everything.  I knew most of you guys wanted innocent love back but it has many issues of reporting it in wattpad .. so I might think of that later , now let's see what's gonna happen today.

Target : 120 votes

                        Abhi tied the mangalsutra around pragya's neck who closed her eyes in pain.  Raghav's words echoed inside her mind and a tear escaped from her eyes.  She made herself strong that she is doing this big thing for everyone's betterment and opened her eyes when abhi removed his hand away from her. She looked at the mangalsutra which was clinging on her claiming herself as his wife . She stared it for few minutes until abhi cleared his throat.

" that's it..we can leave.." Abhi said knowing about Pragya's condition. He really felt sorry for her but it's a critical situation which made them to unite together.

" you have to fill her hairline Mr . Mehra. ." The officer handled him a small box and abhi looked at pragya instantly.

" we will finish this once we reach home .. " abhi said knowing pragya's insecurity and fear inside her .

" until you fill her hairline , I could not proceed with your marriage. It's important and after that only I can declare that you both are married and I have witnessed it..." he said and pragya looked at abhi " what else left..finish it off.." he could sense an unknown anger in her words . With trembling hands , he filled her hairline with the kumkum.

The officer signed the papers and he started to proceed with his works. He asked them to leave as the marriage is complete and they are husband and wife now.

" thank you so much pragya.. you did a big thing without even thinking about anything..." Abhi said as soon as they came out from the office.

" i will be happy to say that the great ABHISHEK MEHRA is my jiju.." bulbul said and abhi smiled at her sentence .

" will you just keep quite .. otherwise your CID sister will start to ask questions about us .." purab warned and asked her to be quite. Bulbul too agreed with him and stood silently looking at abhi and pragya.

" abhi .. I could not come to office today.. better I will come tomorrow as I need some rest.." Pragya informed abhi as she needs time to prepare herself . She knew it's not an easy task for her to move around abhi in office and to hide their marriage.

" that's fine.. you can take how much time you need. . I am too leaving because I have to talk with my advocates about this issues.." Abhi said warmly smiling at her.

" shall we leave.." Pragya asked bulbul and she too agreed with her.

" purab ... you drop them safely in home and I will be in our farm house.." Abhi said .

" no ... we can reach home by ourselves..." Pragya said avoiding his help. She don't know how to react with abhi after these things happened .. that too suddenly.

" please pragya.. you are my wife and my responsibility.  I know it's only for few days but I need you to be safe because now you married me...." Abhi said gesturing her to leave with purab.

" he is claiming as his wife and did I made anything wrong.. nothing could happen now and I believe him he won't do anything against my wish..." Pragya thought getting inside the car.

Abhi closed the door for her and leaned saying " I just said to make you agree with my words.. so don't think too much as I reaps t your feelings.." . He waved bye to them and he leaves in his car.

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