20. undefined love

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   " Facebook addiction disorder " is one of the mental disorder identified by the psychologists.

" The only
Intresting answers
Are those
Which destroys

Target : 130 votes

Pragya reached the venue which was mentioned by abhi few hours back. She was not in the mood to attend after what happened in the office. Though abhi supported her but she feels really guilty by hearing their comment. Yes she is the one who married brother of person whom she loved . Every one will comment like that and she thinks , she deserves it. May be she might also commented when she was in their side.

Many thoughts rushed into her mind , of how she spent her life with her beautiful family after the monster abhi reached , her life totally changed upside down.

She was standing near the entrance and tried to call abhi but unfortunately he didn't picked the call. The driver too dropped her and left from there.

If he was there , she would have got back to home without even peeking inside. But now, with no choice left , pragya entered the party. The area was beautifully decorated with lights and many business men were present along with their family.

" welcome Mrs. Pragya Abhishek Mehra.." Pragya heard a familiar voice and turned to see Raghav standing there. She felt happy by seeing him but soon it got vanished by seeing his anger.

' and what did he called me..? Pragya abhishek mehra.. how can he ? I mean after knowing the truth also , he regrets me and my love .. I had sacrificed my life only for his happiness but he is not understanding it..'

" searching for your lovable husband..? " he asked sipping his drinks. Pragya felt uneasiness and tried to move from there but he stopped her abruptly.

" where you are going dear..? Now I am more wealthier than abhi..  so you can come to me and don't worry about the marriage and stuffs..because you must live with me as mistress..." Raghav said glaring at her while pragya stared at him in tears.

" what are you looking at me as you had did nothing..? I know you married abhi because he is one of the top most businessman by using the chance in that register office..." he said gritting his teeth .

Pragya very well knew that he is drunken and she never expected those words from him. She tried to move but as a result , he pulled her to the near by wall caging her in his arms.

" Raghav...leave me.. you have no rights on me.." She said trying to push his hands from her shoulders. But he was strong enough than her to hold in one hand.

" why will abhi doubt you..?  Arey I know that bloody man loved you even after knowing that we both are in love.. he created the cheap plan and tricked me but I never expected you will also fool me.. " he said throwing the glass on the floor.

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