46. Flaws makes us beautiful

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Thanks guys for your support and only four more chapters to go for this story to reach its end!!! Hope you will support all through these five chapters !!!! Actually I had already planned to wrap this story up in 50 chapters and that's where this story is to end !!! I think it will kill the charm if it goes on and on.. !!!

Enjoy reading 📖📖📖📖📖


               Sometimes those who seek to protect something , go one step further collapsing everything upside down

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               Sometimes those who seek to protect something , go one step further collapsing everything upside down. Pragya was nervously sitting in the centre of the bed , her head covered by the veil. This moment is very special to her. She is been planning for this , about past two months and won't let anyone to spoil this beautiful moments that gonna be memorable for both of them. She knew he is quite suprised by her and only one thing bothered her was the morning incident.

' Should I ask him..? Then what he will think about me..? If I enquire about it ,  He will think that due to my insecurity ; I had pushed myself into it..!! Let me ask him tomorrow as I don't want him to bother at least now..!! ' thought pragya adjusting herself on the bed , her hands around her knees.

Abhi switched on the lights lazily as it's a tiring day for him. He knew that pragya will be anger on him , leaving abruptly when they planned to have breakfast together but all the things had collapsed at the last time and he couldn't help with it.

But he is very happy that tomorrow is going to be the best day for their life as he purposely delayed his surprise for her. The day which had brought a new meaning for his life !!!

Abhi locked the door casually and turns to hit the bed. He was shocked to see pragya sitting there nervously in his favourite black Saree. He also didn't fail to notice the condition of the room , and sweat beads formed on his forehead. It's a suprise for him as he didn't expected this from pragya.

" You are my Pragya only na ...!!! Not a ghost right...?" He asked standing near the door by holding the handle of the door. Abhi wants to tell her how much he is dying inside to see her like this , but his whole plan will get spoil. He needs to irritate her , so that she will change her mind and he can easily pacify her tomorrow with his suprise.

Hearing no reply from her , he walks towards the bed and sits hesitantly. Pragya senses his presence near her and her heart raced like a fire. His hand sensuously touched her fingers and she shrieked with the sudden touch of him. She couldn't control her racing heartbeat and gripped the sheets for support.

Tracing his hands along her forearm , he slowly lifts the veil above her head and looked at her with intense gaze. She closed her eyes sensing the room light falls on her face making all the things brightly. She could feel his eyes on her and that made to shutter her eyes even more close.

" Pragya...? Is that you..?" He asked having enough of her silence and chins her up to look at him. His touch had created something magical in her as she fluttered her eyes open finally seeing him , sitting in front of her with pale face yet his eyes glitters in happiness.

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