2.1 : You are my heartbeat

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Thank you so much guys for your support and I had updated the official first part of Be Mine !!! Do press the 🌟 for more and faster updates.

Guys last few chapters didn't get more votes and I was in dielmmea whether I should proceed with the story but yet I am posting it so please silent readers , do vote and make me happy..!!!

         Disha walks into the lift after enquiring the information about Pragya

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         Disha walks into the lift after enquiring the information about Pragya. She was praying to god that Abhi should not take his anger on her for not taking care of pragya properly. She has been busy with her new projects and couldn't spend some time with her.

But she noticed Pragya sitting alone in their room staring the blank wall with lots of confusions in her face. She didn't ask anything as Abhi had warned her not to talk about anything personal with Pragya.

' Remember !!!! You are just staying with Pragya to take care of her and to inform about her whereabouts..!! And dont even try to ask about me nor anything related to her life..

I am just giving a warning to you and if I find something wrong , I will cancel your scholarship...!!!'

Disha has to complete her degree without creating any fuss or messing with Abhi. Abhi is helping her to do her master degree with a condition of staying with Pragya as her roommate and also a friend. Sometimes she wondered why Abhi has to take care of pragya this much ? What relation do they have with ? But she is afraid to ask Abhi nor Pragya!!

She reached the ninth floor and saw Abhi standing near the glass door looking inside. She knew obviously he will be watching at Pragya.

" Sorry sir !!! Little bit traffic on the way and I couldn't able to come soon..!! What happened to her ? " she asked leaving a way to the nurse who enters inside pragya's room.

" What is happening in college ? And I don't know what made her to take such drastic step ? " he suppressed his anger seeing the people staring at him and continues " Is there any problem ? Did she discussed with you about it ? " Abhi asked making disha to get tense by his cold tone.

" Sir , really I don't know what happened with Pragya but she became silent and used to be silent even after getting back to home..!! I dont think that there is any problem with her family !!! " she stammers a little thinking of whether to share those incidents that happened in college or not.

She is not sure how Abhi will react and can't afford losing an opportunity to complete her studies. Yet little bit ; her heart ached of hiding such a big thing from him.

" Did something happened in college ? " he asked again as vin informed about a professor who is torturing Pragya. But still the main reason is under a wrap and it made him to wonder about it.

" Sir !!! Actually " she looks down with fear of meeting his eyes and abhi got his answer from her one move. He hits the nearby wall with the thud sound making her to look at him  .

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