38. Jealousy gets to the peak!!

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Thanks guys for the regular supporters and still 12 chapters left and we will reach the destination.

Is my plot is boring you all ? Why very less votes. Guys I am giving back to back updates and also new plots on abhigya but seeing less response; I could not make myself to write . If you still find hard to press the ☆ button , just think about us who is trying hard to find time to post the stories. Don't you feel that we need reward. From today I am not going to ask you guys to vote , I will stop posting my stories. Already the real kb is getting on my nerves and i am really sorry for the people who support me all the time.. and till now, I am updating only for you guys.. and people who don't vote and just adding my stories and to the top of it , criticizing my stories ; better skip my stories...

And my lovely readers....

This is my new story on abhigya and do check it if you didn't..!! Actually it's not for any promotion my friend asked me to post this so that you could easily find it.

!! Actually it's not for any promotion my friend asked me to post this so that you could easily find it

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" Explain your anger
Instead of expressing it..
And you will find solutions
Instead of arguments "

Pragya could not sleep as Abhi left her alone in their room without even thinking about her atleast for once. Her heart and mind warns her to apologize but her ego stopped and as a result , she is laying in the bed with his thoughts.

' How could she even hug him infront of me..and i agree that he tried his best to get away from her..oh god how cute he looked when he was trapped in her hold. I really wanted to help him but she didn't even paid any attention to me.. she treated as I didn't even exist.. White witch ..!! And later he left to the dance floor not even thinking about me atleast for once.. I am new to places like this and is it right to leave me abruptly. As a result, a man took that as an opportunity and his intentions were not right!! I only prayed that abhi should come and rescue me.. from that insane man.. to the top it , he took his anger on me.. how rude..!! I am not going to talk to him..' thought pragya closing her eyes to sleep peacefully.

Abhi slides on the sofa by keeping the pillow and covered himself with the quilt. He tries to sleep but her words were ringing inside her mind.

' How could she even think about me..? Doesn't she knew how much I love her..? Why cant she understand that tanu is just my friend and today she talked too much.. I am not going to talk to her until she apologize to me...' he thought covering his face by closing his eyes.

Raghav stood near the steps and looks at him with a smirk plastering on his face. In that dim light , he looks like a devil. Riya was worried for him whether he will not marry her as still she could see his love towards pragya. A guilt formed in her eyes seeing his evil side.

It was mid night ,Pragya was in her deep slumber as she already had a tiring day. She felt a hand lingering near her waist and her lips curved into smile. She didn't open her eyes but she could guess the person by the way he holds her securely and obsessively. She turned to his side and opening her right eye slightly she saw her husband who is pretending to be asleep. She couldn't supress her smile and snuggled close to him by throwing her arms around his neck as he surrounds his hand protectively around her waist pulling her close to him.

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