37. Misunderstanding each other

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This story had reached 40th part and 37th chapter with lots of support from you all. 😍😍thanks for your love and 13 parts to go , we will reach the destination. As I already informed this book contains 50 chapters. Happy reading 📖📖📖

People say
Loving someone is the best feeling
Being loved by someone is the
❤❤Best blessing ❤❤

A month passed after the arrival of Raghav. But life went smooth for abhi and pragya. He could not near them as they were bound by the magical spell called love. How much riya tries to convince ; he dominates her by his dreadful thread. He asked her to stay away from this or else she will be destroyed by her own. Riya couldn't say anything against him as her life and her family reputation is in his arms.

" pragya... how much time will you take ? I can wait for you but party won't wait... come fast! ! " Abhi was repeating these same lines for the past fifteen minutes while he was setting his hair infront of the mirror.

Rishab planned a success party for their success of the first project and invited pragya and abhi. Abhi was much excited as its his first party after the big storm.

" Pragya....pra! !" His words cuts off by seeing her in the black Saree. She had applied simple makeup but looking elegant with the rich look. She didn't wear her glasses and abhi could see those magnifying eyes which took his soul in their first meet itself . Still he could remember how they both met in an unsuitable situation .

" How am I looking abhi..? " she asked as her eyes fell on him who is simply dashing in his black shirt . His eyes were so captivating and she could not stop herself from drooling on her husband.

" Looking stunning as usual my wife...!! But one thing is missing? " Abhi said nearing her who turned to look at the mirror what she had missed. She is wearing the mangalsutra which she protects more than her and her right on him, the kumkum which explains about her love towards him.

" What's that ? " she asked touching her right cheek slightly to check but as a result ; she was engulfed in his warm arms.

" Abhi.. leave me.. you were mad at me for getting late but now you find time to romance.. let's leave.." she said as he keeps his head on her shoulders near the crook of her neck. His hot breath tickled her soft skin provoking many desires inside her .

He gently kissed her cheek gently making her to blush more. Her cheeks heated up sensing his soft lips on her. Her lips curved into smile seeing him through the mirror.

" You look more beautiful when you blush.. I always wanted to see this smile in your face every time my eyes fell on you.." he said while she turned in his hold. She surrounds her hands around her neck while he held her tightly smiling at her.

" Abhi.. I don't know what I had did to get you as my husband!! What made you to love me like this ? I really feel blessed to have you in my life..!!" She said slightly pecking his lips and stood back before he could respond.

He pouts seeing her smirk and pulled her close to him saying " Because You are my life and i am blessed to have a wife like you"

" Di... " they both heard chutki's voice and abhi moved away from pragya with the frustrated face. Pragya chuckled seeing him and they both leaves from there to the party.


" Welcome abhi...!!! Pragya..!! " Rishab welcomes them as soon as he spots abhi and pragya entering the party hall. It was a pub with dim lights and rock music playing hardly making people to go mad with the drinks. Pragya saw many men's where drunken and dancing around some women's who really trying the best to seduce the rich brat.

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