39. Hidden truths are unspoken lies

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Thanks guys for waiting patiently for my updates. Yaah..I too miss wattpad a lot but having a tight day with studies and work , I couldn't handle this. Hope you won't mind it ...😉😉

Questions are offensive only to those who have something to hide.

We all wear masks,  and the time comes when we can't remove them without removing some of our own skin.

The truth always comes out in the end no matter how hard you try to hide or stop it.

                  Abhi wakes up in the early morning than the usual day as he couldn't feel feel the warmth of his wife near him. He gently traced near him with his fingers with the hope that still she is sleeping. When the sun rays pierced on his eyes , he gets up slowly rubbing over his eyes with the lazy yawn.

His gaze falls on her petite body who is getting ready with a rush. She wears her bangles which makes a pleasant sound to his ears in the early morning making it beautiful. She fills her maang with kumkum and checked herself quickly in the mirror again.

Abhi saw a different pragya today. She never gets ready like this as he used to force her to wear some western outfit and light makeup. He tried to grab her attention towards him so that he can enquire about her sudden happiness.

" Where you are going ? Today is Sunday and holiday but seems like madam is getting ready for some special date..? " he asks trying to make her irk as he very well know that she don't like these kind of talks.

But she smiled rather than arguing with him.

Strange..he felt as his legs vulnerably moved towards her taking in his embrace.

" Abhi...!! What you are doing ? Leave me... I am getting late and he will be waiting for me..." she said knowing all the ways to tease him. It's priceless to watch him curiously thinking about her.

 It's priceless to watch him curiously thinking about her

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" who Is he now...?" He asked gently turning her towards him as he saw a smile dancing on her lips.  He just want to grab it and kiss her endlessly. But knowing about her smart play ; he owes not to give up.

" I am going to meet sidharth... as he called me today morning and asked for a date... after a long time we gonna have some fun..." she said making abhi to open his mouth in shock .

She could not control her smile seeing him going pale infront of her.

" what you said ??" He asked raising his eyebrows. He thought she is teasing him but it's not going to be a fair play between them.

" what I will say...? I said yes and that's why I am getting ready.. you are genius abhi because you found out that your wife is going for a date..." she said slightly walking across him towards the bed and takes her phone keeping it inside her bag.

" and every girl will be happy if they gets a husband like you.. how understanding you are...??" She said while feeling a rough pull as a result she lands on him.

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