43. Making honey moon plans ( worst plans )

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" There is no love without forgiveness ; and there is no forgiveness without love.."

                    As day passed after a day , Abhi was clear that pragya will not forgive him easily. Each passing second was hard for him as she didn't left a chance to make him responsible for her loneliness .

Was he happy in those days ? Most of the time , he spent out standing infront of his in-laws home trying to make them understand. But that doesn't comes into her count and all she knew is to blame him for her tears.

It was one past afternoon as abhi was sleeping after his meal made by her mother in law. He can't refer like that who had become his mother , the day she met him before their home. She used to send food through bulbul and least cared about her husband's tantrums.

He sensed some one sitting beside him as his hands mistakenly falls on soft material which suddenly snapped him out from his sleep knowing who is present near him.

" Pragya !!! " He let his breath out and straightened himself on his new king size bed. It was large enough for both of them as always he had seen her sticking on the end.

" What a suprise? Queen is waiting for this slave to wake up ....!!" He teases her not knowing about the disaster he gonna face soon. He sits up taking the coffee mug from her and sensed its strong aroma hits his nostrils.

" You are going to die one day with your words!! Mark my words jiju!!" He heard bulbul's voice and turns his head up to see she is standing near the entrance of his room with purab.

He could sense pragya's strong gaze on him and also knew that she is in very bad mood.

" Okay leave it guys..!! Past is last !! Let's talk about coming days..! Bulbul nudged purab to talk with abhi. She had already talked with Pragya and now it's turn.

" Bhai..!! Pragya di got convinced and she is ready to come with you !!" Purab tells eying at bulbul to speak at least now .

" Where...?" Abhi asked casually which increased pragya's anger. She gets up from the bed angrily but bulbul pleads her to sit.

" Jiju...!! For honeymoon..!! " she said suprising abhi to the core. He spills the coffee by mistake while pragya looks at him with a smile which fears abhi to the core.

' I know something running inside her mind..! Suddenly how did she got convinced..!! Strange...!! RIP to me...' abhi thought looking at pragya with suspicious look.

' Ofcourse you are dead Mr. Mehra...' pragya thinks and nods her head in response looking at abhi who astonished by her wicked smile.

" Okay..!! Where you guys are planning to leave..!!" Asked bulbul turning towards her di who blushed a little. Purab winks at her seeing them getting normal with each other.

" Guys..!! We will decide and will let you know..can you both please leave us alone.." asked abhi who wanted to know pragya's decision.

" Okay...!! We will be waiting for your answer!! And make it soon.. don't delay more.." tells bulbul and they both leaves from there closing the door properly.

" Now tell me what you are planning...?" He asked taking her hand in his holding very gently directly looking into her eyes.

Pragya was about to take back but his hold was strong as she had no other option. She could see how much he looks tired.

" I was planning nothing..!! What you are asking about ?" She asked raising her eyebrow a little.

" About these things ? And please if you are not interested ,  then we will postpone it.." he tells playing with her soft dedicate fingers. He likes to be around her and there are so many things , he wish to share with her. Though he was sad , that pragya didn't enquired about how he convinced her parents but was happy seeing her with blooming face.

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