15.The bitter truth

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Thanks guys for completing the target soon and I know after reading the title you would have confirmed what's gonna happen next .. will see.. and some wanted Raghav to be a nice character... let's see who gonna become a true hero and fake villain.. confused ? Let's see.. what's the bitter truth of this love triangle story...

I could understand that you guys are really loving this story but I need some time to write , edit and many things are there , as a writter , I should make things properly.. I can understand your feelings at the same time , I feel tense if you hurry me like this..

Pragya parted away from abhi after few minutes of their heated romantic kiss. Both doesn't know how to react and could not face each other.

" what I have done ? Again.. I kissed her but today she reacted differently.. she didn't pushed me away.. is she started to have feelings for me.." abhi thought and he took the cotton from her hand and wiped the rest of the antiseptic.

' oh my god.. I kissed him.. today I felt different under him.. none of us know what happens next in our life , yet we decides to go forward because we trust and have faith.. like wise,I gonna let things happen as I am not going to stop anything.. I had enough with Raghav..he didn't understood my feeling of how I was feeling that time.. I know he pushed me accidentally but he would have listened to me.. I know he is over possessive when it comes to me. I didn't informed him about my father's accident because he was no where I could find. Then I got a thought of sharing with abhi as he can help me. When I saw Raghav at door step , I was about to express my feelings but what he did , shooked me from inside . But after seeing abhi's wound , I could stay silent. Because of me , he was hurted by his own brother. Yes.. I am started to have soft corner for him somewhere in my heart. It doesn't means I am falling for him but a best friend whom I can trust more... which was a new feeling inside me.. I never felt such strong bond even with Raghav.. ' thought pragya still gazing at abhi who snapped his finger bringing back to normal.

" shall we leave.." abhi asked and pragya felt embaraced by his teasing question.

Abhi and pragya reached near her father's room and her eyes instantly falls on Raghav who was sitting alone in a bench with sadness covered his face.

" i think you must talk to him .. I will go and meet your father.. " abhi said leaving pragya who thought its time to open up the secrets which gonna shake him. She felt fear what if he gets anger on her. With that thought she sits beside him.

Both of them don't know how much time they were silent as many things were running inside their mind. Raghav didn't took a chance to look at her face while pragya felt guilty inside her.

" Raghav.." Pragya tries to initiate the talk but before she could say further, stood up to leave from there. She held his hand from moving further and turns him to face her.

" i know you are angry on me but you know when I heard that the girl purab arranged had fled after taking the money , I worried for you and abhi because your both lives lies with your properties. Abhi had put his hardwork to reach this level and you just now started your beginner level. When purab asked me to say yes to this marriage , i can't think more about that... I am sorry for hiding this.. I feared you might hate me.." Pragya said weeping a little.

" Pragya said weeping a little

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