21. Reciprocating it..

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Thank you so much , the people who love my story from their heart and comment it even I didn't reply , voting me in order to get the next update.. Thanks for everything who appreciates my work.. I learnt a lesson from this " awards.." and I realised who really loves me , truly likes my work..and who fakely acts to me. If someone doesn't appreciate your work , stop trying to please them . If they don't appreciate , they don't deserve you.. so guys.. If you dont want to appreciate , then stop reading my work.. I am not forcing anyone to read.. I am putting my hard work , to prepare such a wonderful plot .. but If you disappoint me , I will stop it abruptly. I have no problem in it.. and the main thing is that wattpad asked me to stop this ff for one week so that they can remove the copied one but I am posting it only for the people who really love this.. I can see in Twitter and my social media's , some of my closed ones are asking me to post.. that's of now.. from the next update , this book will be made private.

Even though the target didn't completed I am posting this chapter because from next on , only the people who follow can read this book.. sorry for doing this , but I have to safeguard my works...

Thanks to my all time supporters who always voting for my chapters and your beautiful comments makes me to post the next part soon...

Target : 120 votes

Pragya was pacing inside her room thinking about today's incident. It is not less than a heart attack for her when abhi supported her when Raghav said ill about her. She can't understand whether Raghav changed or is this his original character.

But whatever , abhi was always there for her in every hard times and trusting her. She knew that she started to feel for him and it's not going to be good for her. He can do anything when he madly gets anger . No one can change what he did to her and family. At the same time , she could not see his love which she wanted to restrict for her family.

Pragya very well know that her father is not going to accept their relation even if she forgives him. ' is that mean , I am falling for him. Come on pragya ; if raghav left you , it doesn't means abhi is the correct person for you.. dont forget that he was about to kill your father..' her mind reminded the bitter truth which purab considers as love for her.

She sits on her bed staring at the ceiling , 'what will happen if i start to love him... then I could not stop myself from confessing my love.. before that I have to move from him and his mansion.'

Abhi saw her when he was going to inform purab about his presentation and thought to have some words seeing her sad face. He know that she is hurt after hearing raghav's words whom she believed blindly. I don't want to confuse her saying that if raghav is not good it doesn't means I am also like that. I don't want to get sympathy on me when she is in anger on Raghav.. I wanted her to love me when she believes me... i will wait till she realise it...' .

Abhi entered inside and pragya came bavk to her sense seeing him inside her room. She doesn't know what to say and even Abhi was searching for the words to start the conversation .

Before abhi could speak , pragya starts which was an utter suprise for him. " abhi.. I have to say something important..do you have time for me.." she asked quite in a soft tone.

' i am a dying to have word with her and she is asking me whether I have time for her.. my whole life time is only for her ... but she won't understand it..'

" yeah.." Abhi said and sat next to pragya who was figeting her end of the t-shirt with confusion of how to tell him what she actually wanted to say..

' will he get mad at me after I confess what's in my mind.. but I could not take this anymore..'

" abhi ... I am going to work overtime so that I can pay back your money which you invested for my papa and bulbul.." Pragya said trying hard to make it audible for him.

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