Attractive ~ Tsukishima Kei 2

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For some reason, Yamaguchi's been obsessed with getting you and Tsukishima to date. He'd been doing anything really since he says he can feel "the romantic tension" between the two of you. All because you called each other attractive.

It was 11:45pm and you were trying to sleep. The sound of your phone buzzing woke you. Someone was video chatting you. "Tadashi..." you groaned as you picked up some headphones, plugged them in and answered the call. It was a three-way video chat. You, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

All three of you were in your beds. Tsukishima looked tired as all fuck with his glasses off and with dark circles under his eyes. You had your hair all messed up and were yawning. Tadashi looked fine though. "What the hell?" Tsukishima answered with. "Tadashi, do you have any idea what time it is?" You yawned for a second time."Yeah. I just wanted to see my favorite couple." He said happily.Usually, you or the handsome telephone pole would say something in retaliation but you both were seriously tired. "Neither of you are denying it." Yamaguchi stated the obvious."What do you expect at midnight?" Said Tsukishima into his pillow. "Anything really. So, are we walking F/N home tomorrow?" He asked."Is that really what you called for?" Tsukishima said sounding unimpressed."Don't we usually walk her home?" Tsukishima asked. "Hm. Okay goodnight Tsukii and goodnight F/N." Yamaguchi wished the two of you goodnight and hung up leaving you and Tsukishima on the phone together."Well goodnight, Tsukishima."You said. He mumbled something into his pillow with his eyes closed. You hung up and went to bed.

The Next Day

It was pouring rain and the two boys were walking you home despite the horrible weather. None of you had an umbrella so you were all going to be soaked if you didn't find shelter soon.

You were all under a bus shelter, squeezed together since the roof was pretty tiny. Yamaguchi on your right and Tsukishima on your left who clearly gave no shits about this somewhat uncomfortable situation. Yamaguchi was right though, over time you developed feelings for the tall smartass and just avoided romantic confrontations to not be awkward.

Yamaguchi flinched when a cold drop of rain hit him on the shoulder, thus pushing you into Tsukishima who looked down at you noticing what just happened and looked away as a blush was now visible on his face. You wondered why when you noticed your breasts were squeezed against him. And since he obviously didn't want to move and get wet in the rain, you were stuck like this for a bit. You couldn't help but think Yamaguchi did that on purpose since he smiled when he noticed the situation.

The rain slowed down into short drizzles so, the three of you got out from the awkwardness under the roof and continued walking forward towards your home.

You all began acting like you usually did when Yams got a phone call. "One sec, I have to take this." He distanced himself from the two of you and answered his phone. You continued to walk with the tall male until Yamaguchi finally ended the call and ran up to you two. "My mom wants me home earlier. Apparently, it's going to rain a lot worse later so she doesn't want me to be stuck in the rain without an umbrella." He said. Then he looked at Tsukishima. "Tsukii, can you walk F/N home all the way?" He asked. Tsukishima nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow." Tadashi said cheerfully and turned.

By the time you arrived on the street of your house, the rain returned heavier and a lot faster. The rain was insane now and there was no way you were letting Tsukishima walk back in this weather even if he didn't care.

You got into the house with Tsukishima behind you and pulled out some tea. The two of you just sat in your living room sipping tea and watching the television.

Eventually, you passed out which must have been awkward for Tsukishima since he was in his classmate's house while she was asleep.

Of course, at one point you had to wake up. And when you did, you found out that you were lying flat on top of your crush. It was strange though. He was lying on his back fast asleep with his arms around your waist. "Thank goodness my sister isn't home."  You thought, as you only lived with your sister.

You didn't know if you should have woken him up or not since he looked so adorable asleep and peaceful instead of scowling or laughing at someone else's stupidity. But you knew he had to wake up eventually so you did it yourself. Because his arms were completely wrapped around you, you had to poke him or something which you didn't want to do. Instead, you said his name a couple times and would once in a while poke his chest. He soon woke up.

"What the-" he started and then widened his eyes when he noticed what was happening. "Did I fall asleep?" He asked. You nodded.
"Uhm. You might want to move your arms." You suggested. He looked at you for a moment. "Why the hell would I want to do that?" He asked.

This was super weird. "Uhm. Because they're kind of around me and uhm. Yeah." You managed to say stuttering a little and looking in a different direction. He smirked. "Is there something wrong with that, F/N?" He said while he managed to push himself up with his arms still around you. Why was he suddenly calling you by your first name? Was he flirting with you? This just got weirder. Although, this was the first time it was only the two of you and not Yamaguchi. Perhaps he was just making a move now that you two were alone together. He pulled you onto his lap closely. You couldn't do anything but blush really hard and try to avoid eye contact.

Your foreheads were practically touching now. "I don't want to move my arms. And I don't think you really want me to move them either." He said still with his smirk and looking you directly in the eyes. "Tsukishim-" you were cut off with his lips pressing to your's. Your eyes widened in shock but you soon closed them and returned the kiss.

He continued to pull you closer into him and eventually, he pulled his lips from your mouth and moved them slowly to your neck. While he kissed and sometimes bit your neck, he began to unbutton your shirt. You didn't even have time to react when he moved his lips across a certain spot on your neck, rewarding him with a small moan that you were trying to keep in. He smiled and started kissing you again.

Still, he continued unbuttoning your shirt until half your bra was visible. He smirked and moved his head towards your chest when you pulled yourself away from him. This was WAY to much for one day.

You quickly stood up, buttoned up your shirt and tried to get the red on your cheeks to go away. You just finished the last button when two long arms repositioned around your waist again and you felt Tsukishima's chin on the top of your head. "Sorry about that." He mumbled out. "I actually really like you but I guess I was moving a little fast."

You felt like your heart was going to explode. "Uh. Yeah." You said avoiding eye contact even though you were now facing each other. He rested his head on your's. "F/N, do want to date or something?" He asked suddenly and awkwardly, as if he'd never asked someone out before. And there he went again calling you by your first name. "I'd love to." You said giving him smile. "Damn. I guess Yamaguchi got his way after all." He said running his fingers through your hair.

"Did it stop raining?" He asked himself looking out the window. It did. Tsukishima made his way to the door where you were behind him to close it. He quickly grabbed your waist and pulled you into another kiss. You rested your hands on his chest. "We'll continue where we left off on the couch another time." He said with his lips still pretty close to your's. "I'm looking forward to that." You said under your breath. He heard you. "So am I." He smirked again before leaving the house.

You shut the door behind him and looked into the mirror next to you, seeing hickeys on your neck. "Curse you, Tsukishima." You growled to yourself, but didn't feel like covering them up. After all, the hickeys he left were something to be proud of.

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