(Lemon) Lion ~ Lev Haiba 3

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You climbed onto the branch and onto the next one. "Almost there, F/N!" Lev yelled from bellow. "Don't look! I'm wearing a skirt!" You scolded from the tree. You knew Lev would just look anyway. "How did this happen? The ball's totally stuck!" You complained as you pushed on the volleyball to get it out of the tree. "I don't know." Lev mumbled as he enjoyed the view (up your skirt) and smirked. "Ahah!" You yelled. "Did you get it?" Yelled your boyfriend. "Yeah. One sec-AAAAA!" You screamed as the branch you were standing on cracked. Luckily, you were holding onto a stronger branch above you. You were just dangling there, from the branch. "Fuck." You muttered.

"F/N! I'll save you!" Lev yelled as he spread his arms open. "I still didn't get the ball." You said back and steadied yourself onto another branch. You stood perfectly on it and pushed the volleyball. "Hold on almost FUUUUUUUUUUCK!" You cursed as you took another fall, this time you didn't have anything to hold onto. You closed your eyes and braced yourself for the fall.

When you opened your eyes again, you were safely caught by Lev. You turned your head. "Heh. Thanks." You thanked him, only to notice that his face was very red. "What's the matter with you?" You asked. It didn't take long for you to notice that you fell in a certain way that the only way for Lev to catch you properly, one of his hands was cupping your breast.

"You can let go now." You said bluntly shortly after figuring out what Lev was blushing about. "Whoops." He said stupidly. The ball soon fell onto his head. "Perfect." You said and walked off.

"F/N! Where are you going?!" Lev called out. "It doesn't matter! Get to practice. Kuroo's gonna kill you!" You shouted. "He's not here today!" Lev responded as he sprinted to your side.

"Oh. So you're allowed to skip practice without getting in trouble." You said. "Woah yeah! I can hang out with you instead." He said excited. "What should we do then?" You asked as you walked with Lev. "Well. I have one idea." He muttered. "And what's that?" You asked. "Maybe we could try to do it, finally." He mumbled. "Do it? You mean sex?" You asked. "Yeah." He responded. You just laughed. "Why are you laughing?" Lev asked sounding offended. You looked at him for a long time and found that he was serious.

"LEV!" You shouted. "Oh come on pleeeeeaaaaase?!" Lev whined and wrapped his arms around you. "I promise it won't hurt!" He shouted as he hugged you, still walking. "How would you know? You have no experience." You scoffed. "I'll try my hardest! Please, please, please, please, please, please?! Every other couple does it and we never did! Come one please can we do it?!" He begged as he continued to hug you tighter, almost lifting you off the ground. You didn't respond. You never said no. In fact you weren't against the idea. You were just teasing him a bit. "F/N PLEASE?!?!" He asked very loudly and completely lifted you off the ground, hugging you and trying to be cute so you gave in.

It just so happened that at that moment, you both were right near the

Lev was now screaming. You were just laughing all amused while he hugged you. "MY GOD JUST SAY YES, L/N! LEV! WE'RE TRYING TO PRACTICE YOU ANNOYING GIRAFFE!" Shouted Yaku from the gym, slamming the doors shut. "Yeah! Screw you! Going and getting some ass while I'm still single and hot!" Yamamoto shouted.

It was now given that this was going to happen.

Your House ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You didn't know what the hell to do. You and Lev were awkwardly sitting on your bed together. He'd constantly look at you and then look away and repeat that same thing. "So uh. Do you have any protection?" You asked awkwardly. "Yeah I got some from Kuroo's locker." He replied with a red face. "Okay. Good." You nodded.

Lev scooted a little closer to your side, it made you jump out of shock a bit. "Sorry!" Lev apologized. "No it's my fault." You awkwardly laughed.

"Come on. You can do this! Just relax..." You thought to yourself. You got closer to Lev and kissed him. He seemed to have been waiting for that since he instantly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto his lap.

You embraced him deeply as his hands clung to the back of your shirt. He was obviously trying to remove your shirt. You were still in the school uniform which had many layers. "Wait." You muttered and took off the knitted vest over your shirt and tossed it aside. Lev got super excited at that and darted at the buttons of your shirt.

It didn't take long for him to get it off and throw it off the bed. He continuously kissed you while removing his shirt, tossing it in the same direction as your shirt.

It wasn't long before he got on top of you and started chewing on your neck. You moaned a bit and moved your legs up on down out of excitement. Lev continued and started kissing different parts of your collar bone, slowly getting lower do that he'd be close to your breasts. You took the liberty of unclipping the bra yourself. This got him super excited and he instantly just went for them. His tongue moved around one as he gripped onto the other for a moment before moving his hands to your skirt.

He pulled it off quickly and brushed his hand across your panties. He quickly moved his hand onto his butt. You could tell he was taking a condom out of his back pocket. You took a deep breath as you heard his belt being undone.

You closed your eyes, hearing the wrapper being opened and the soft fabric of his pants shuffling. That's when something caught you off guard.

Lev had lifted you and propped you onto him. You opened your eyes and noticed what position he put you in. You kind of liked the idea of him being on top. Either way, this was going to happen. You took another deep breath and positioned yourself. Lev, was already moaning and such even though not much even happened.

He put his hands on your hips, guiding his length to you. As it entered, you could hear yourself. "Damn." You muttered out of frustration of having to top first. Lev had already moaned obnoxiously loud at this. You started to move as his hands moved with your hips.

"Drrrrr. Lev." You moaned. Lev couldn't really tell if this was you being turned on or you being mad at him. Little did he know, it was both. He was still half sat up and buried his head into your shoulder while kissing and sucking on your neck. You moved at a slow pace which was enough to hurt. The pain was aching but it was slowly starting to fade.

Lev's hands moved your hips so that you were moving a bit faster and to his liking. He continued to kiss your neck and chin, burying his moans in your soft skin. You bit your lip and took a very deep breath. It was beginning to hurt a lot less and you began to enjoy this.

Now that you felt no more pain, the noises that exited your mouth were sounding less angry and more passionate. The face you made was also quite the sight to behold. You usually looked so angry when you were with Lev because he annoys you. But your eyebrows being arched and your slow blinking made you look so innocent. (Which you are not. No one innocent tops for the first time)

It didn't take long for Lev to climax. You expected it to last longer so when it happened and he looked so tired after literally doing nothing, you just gave him a confused look. "What the fuck did you just do?" You asked, still determined to finish. He was panting as if he did some work. "I just came." He said, panting. You sighed and got
off of him. You laid next to him. "You're topping next time. That sucked." You muttered.

"Wha?!" I can do that now I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, over-exaggerating as usual. "Hmmmm. Too bad. I didn't even get to have my climax." You teased as if you didn't hear him. Lev got upset and cradled you. "I'm sorry please let me make it up to you." He said trying to sound cute as he buried his face into the back of your neck.

"Fine." You sighed. "But you're topping this time."

Hey, pervs. I hope you liked my comment about innocent people not topping for the first time... I wonder who's gonna top in Yamaguchi's Lemon... (I legit only wrote this to peak some interest)

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