Attractive ~ Tsukishima Kei 7

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By your fourth cup, you'd completely forgotten what you were doing there at Yamaguchi's house on a Saturday night. You'd also forgotten who brought the alcohol and what you were celebrating.

Alcohol had a weird effect on these guys. Hinata was rolling around on the floor, speaking French. Kageyama was talking to a banana in the corner of the room. Nishinoya was in his feels and crying about his height. Tanaka who was probably the one who brought alcohol was crying about how good of a couple Kageyama and the banana were. Yamaguchi was counting how many knees he had and freaking the hell out because he didn't know he had freckles. And then, casually sitting on the couch was the only sober one, the one and only Tsukishima Kei. Your boyfriend who was enjoying his surroundings which made him look like the only sane person in a mental institution.

You sat beside him as he made Nishinoya cry even more by reminding him of his height over and over again. "Heyyyyyy. That's not very cash money of you, broski." You said as you fell onto the couch beside him. He stopped laughing at Nishinoya and looked at you. "Oh god. Are you drunk too?" He asked. "Psssshhh. Nuuuuuh fam. Familamilamilam." You said with your eyes closed. He sighed. "How much did you drink?" He asked. "You mean all the magic I inhaled? All of it. I did all the alcohol." You said while making eye contact then examining him up and down. "Woah, bruh. Has anyone ever told you that you have the most incredible legs in the fucking world?" You asked. "No. No one's ever told me that." He responded. "Well. Guess what you have?" You asked. "What?" He asked. "The most incredible legs in the fucking world. I bet they taste like cheesecake HAHA. Das right my friennn. Das right." You said and hiccuped then bursted our laughing.

He started laughing at you. "Miracles. Motherfucking miracles." You said and smirked. "Woooosh woosh wham WOAH. It's so hot in here." You said and started to take off your shirt. That's when Tsukii freaked out a bit. "You know what? I think we should get you back home." He said. "NOOOOOOO. I'm having funnn!" You whined. "Don't leave! Don't leave, L/N!" Tanaka shouted. "Plez! Don't lev!" Shouted Yamaguchi who was now drawing little dots over his freckles with a red marker, thinking he was concealing them. "Please don't leave! Don't leave Banana-Kun!" Kageyama shouted, sounding angry and heartfelt at the same time. "Bye." Tsukii Said before picking you up bridal style and taking you to Yamaguchi's bedroom. The other guys were losing their shit in the living room so the room was empty.

"Here." He said and plopped you on the bed. "Go to sleep. I'll make you breakfast." He said as he took off the majority of your clothes, leaving you in your panties. He then took off the shirt he was wearing and put in on you. "Woah, man. These PJs are dope." You said as you got comfy in his shirt. "Glad you like the shirt." He said as he got behind you and tied up your hair to the best of his abilities. He took off his glasses and put them on a bedside table before getting under the blankets and pulling you down under them with him. "Now sleep." He muttered as he held you close to his chest. "If you throw up on me, I'll get pissed. So don't." He said, closing his eyes and curving his large body around you so you were comfortable and warm. It took almost no time for you to fall asleep.

The Next Morning

"Uuuurgrgrhhhsgrgrrrrr, my head." Tanaka growled as he opened his eyes, waking up to the sound of Tsukishima cooking in Yamaguchi's kitchen. "Hey, man. Thanks for making breakfast." Tanaka thanked Tsukishima. "It's not for you. It's for F/N. You idiots got her drunk with you last night and she's asleep in Yamaguchi's bed." He explained as he continued to add your favorite ingredients to the omelet. "YOU LET HER FUCK YAMAGUCHI??" Tanaka shouted. "What? No. She's just sleeping in his bed." Tsukishima said. Tanaka looked at him for a long time and noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. "Oh I see. You did the nasty hehehehehe." Tanaka laughed. "No. Like I said, she just fell asleep in his bed. I'm pretty sure he fell asleep...." Tsukishima tried to find where Yamaguchi was.

He then spotted Yamaguchi passed out on the floor, holding a lamp. "Yeah. There he his." Tsukii said before looking around to see where the others were. Tanaka was on the floor, waking up Yamaguchi. Kageyama was sleeping upside down like a bat, hanging from the bathroom door. Hinata was under a pillow fort with a paper sign that said "No Tsukishimas allowed." And Nishinoya was sleeping with half his body hanging out of a window.

"Who drew on my face?" Yamaguchi asked as he got up and saw his reflection in a mirror. "You did." Tsukishima said. Yams sighed, remembering almost nothing of the night that just passed. Kageyama was the next to wake up. He opened his eyes slowly and then started to freak out when he noticed he was upside down. "Ahhh! Why am I upside down? AHHHHH!" He screamed and then fell off of the door. Hinata and Nishinoya woke up to Kageyama's screaming.

"You're so loud. What happened last night?" Hinata asked before covering his mouth and sprinting to the washroom to throw up. Nishinoya brought his head back inside of the house and shut the window. "Wooo. Morning already?" He asked, not noticing that his hair had a small bird's nest in it. "Noya, take the nest out of your hair. Some bird's wondering where her house went." Tanaka said and proceeded to yeet the bird's nest out of the window.

Tsukishima just continued to make the omelet while you woke up and made your way into the kitchen. "Guys, Hinata's throwing up in the bathroom." You said while you rubbed your eyes. "Nice shirt." Yamaguchi laughed. You looked at what you were wearing and recognized it as your boyfriend's Jurassic Park shirt. You walked up to him. "Thank you for the shirt, Kei-Chan." You said and hugged him while he cooked. "It's fine. You look cute in it." He said. Kageyama found you and Tsukii's PDA hella gross so he left and joined Hinata in the washroom to throw up.

You sat at the table and ate with Tsukishima while the others all started to clean up like Suga and Daichi had thought them to do. They each took their turns leaving the room, throwing up a few times from being hella drunk the night before and a few of them showered. It was weird. They all left the washroom in pairs. You later found out they wanted to save some time so they paired up to shower.

Tanaka and Nishinoya paired up the first time and Hinata and Kageyama paired up the last time. For some reason they took the longest. Yamaguchi just showered by himself cause it's his house.

You and the waifu showered last before bidding Yamaguchi goodbye and leaving.

"Well that was fun." You said. Tsukishima smirked. "What?" You asked. "Nothing. I just have a great video I need to show you." He said. You sighed at this. You kind of hoped that Tsukishima would get drunk too. It would have been funny. But you much preferred him staying sober and making sure you were fine for the entire night. That was much better.

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