(Lemon) Benefits ~ Tendou Satori 2

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It was only about ten minutes after Tendou had left the office. You were waiting for the secretaries to come back so that you could quickly grab your large bag, that carried all of your belongings and find Tendou before he left. He brought up the fact that he owned a home and offered you hospitality. You were considering it when he asked, but after being plowed by him, let's just say you were more persuaded than before.

The secretaries walked into the office, laughing together about something random. "Oh L/N! You're still here. We're sorry we forgot you were here!" One of them apologized when she saw you. "It's alright. I'll be going now though." You said and grabbed your bag from under the desk and quickly made your way out. "Goodnight!" You said loudly as you rushed out the door.

You went by the gym. The lights were off and you doubted Tendou was in there, even though it wasn't too hard to imagine him sitting around in the pitch black gym. You got out through the front door of the school and  immediately heard Tendou. "Make a decision yet?" You spun around to see him waiting at the corner of the entrance. "How long were you there?" You asked. "Not too long. So, are you joining me or what?" He asked. "Yeah. And I need to talk to you. Like seriously. About what just happened." You said and began to walk with Tendou.

You were both walking on an empty street. It was quiet and you could see the large apartment complex up ahead. "So. Why did we... you know.... in the office?" You asked. "Well I like you and thought that since you weren't pushing me away when I started putting my hands on you, I just took it further. Besides, I wanted to convince you to live with me." He explained. "Okay. But why do you want to live with me?" You asked. He sighed. "Kay. So the truth is, I've seen you around out of school, sleeping in random places. I asked about your family earlier when we were at the office cause I was genuinely wondering why you were living alone on the streets. I thought you ran away or something. Then you go and say they're not alive." He said. "Oh." You sighed. "And I'm thinking that I'm alone too. I'm super lonely and get bored easily. I don't have a lot to occupy myself with besides my job. And I like you. You don't get creeped out by me like everyone else and you're also cute. Not to mention, you let me have sex with you." Tendou explained. "I'm thinking I could spend the night if you really want me to. And we'll see how it goes." You said in response to his proposition. Tendou looked happy. "I'm glad." He said.

Tendou's Place

"Take your shoes off." He said as he walked into the house, letting you in first. You did as he said and proceeded to slowly walk into his house. "Woah." You said, impressed. It was spacious with a big kitchen and a good sized sitting area with a large television. "The bathroom's nice too." He said. "You said you live alone." You said. "Yeah." He responded. "How can you afford all this?" You asked. "Secret! Don't worry. Not illegal." He said and booped your nose. "Follow me!" He said cheerfully and tugged you by your hand to a room. It was a large bedroom with a queen-sized bed in the middle along with two bedside tables, a desk and a wardrobe. "So uh. This is my room. Even though the apartment's pretty big, there's only one bedroom. If you don't wanna share, I'll sleep on the couch." He said. "No. The couch is small and you're enormous. I don't mind sharing." You said happily. "I was hoping you'd say that." He said also happily.

You set up the few things you had. Tendou said you could use the shower. When you got out, you noticed he had left a fluffy towel for you and an oversized sweater. You put on the sweater along with your undies and walked out into the living room with the towel around your neck.

"You're done?" He asked. "Yeah. Thanks." You said and walked over to where he was, in the living room, sitting in front of a coffee table with two bowls of ramen on it. "I basically live off of ramen so that's what dinners here mainly consist of. Hope you don't mind." He said. "Of course not. Thank you." You thanked him and the two of you began to eat.

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