Growth Spurt ~ Semi Eita 1

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Note! The beginning of this story takes place before Semi's third high school year so in this, his appearance is slightly different. You'll get it. Just don't be alarmed if my descriptions aren't familiar!

The way you met Semi was something that seemed right out of a cheesy film. It was the summer between the end of junior high and the start of high school. You had just graduated from junior high and your older brother, Naoki was excited to celebrate with you. Since you only lived with him and your younger sister, Megumi, Naoki was the one who was in charge of trips and such. You didn't really feel the need to celebrate but Naoki thought it was necessary so you had little say in the trip he took you and Megumi on.

When you finally got to the destination, you unpacked and didn't feel like spending the rest of your day in the stuffy hotel. So with Naoki's permission, you headed out to explore. You were on some big island rich in fields and forests. As you explored, you found yourself in some forest. You didn't even know where you were. As you were looking around at birds, trees and bushes, you noticed something else.

Laying on the ground with his back against a tree, was some tiny guy with his eyes shut. At first you thought he was a dead guy and you almost freaked out but after staring at him for a while, you noticed that his chest rose and fell. He was obviously just asleep. You thought that you should probably wake him up. You walked up closer to where this guy was asleep. When you got close enough, you saw that he seemed about your age and he was frowning even though he was asleep. You crouched in front of him. "Uh. Hello?" You asked. You weren't particularly loud but with just that, you managed to wake him. He blinked a few times as you two awkwardly stared at each other.

You laughed. "Sorry. That must have been pretty weird for you to see." He said as he rubbed his eyes adorably. "Just a bit." You said. He yawned and stared at you for a while. "Were you just sitting here, watching me sleep?" He asked. You scrunched up your face. You didn't say or do anything rude so why did he think you were some creep. "Uh. No. I was just walking around and saw you lying here so I woke you up." You explained. He just stared at you again. He was still frowning. His eyebrows that were a completely different colour than his hair were pulled into a frowning arch over his eyes. It was almost as if they casted a shadow down on his face. "Well thanks for waking me up I guess." He sighed. You thought that maybe, he'd get up after you woke him and try to walk off but he didn't move. He just stayed on the ground with his back to the tree. You were bored and considering the fact that he wasn't moving, you decided that you could have a conversation with this guy. He yawned again as you moved from crouching to sitting and thought about things to talk about. "You must be pretty tired to fall asleep in a forest." You laughed a bit. He gave you an odd look and his frowning scowl changed into a calmer scowl. "I am. I've been here for a week so far and my parents have been dragging me around the island every day." He sighed, seeming annoyed to be on the island. "You don't want to be here?" You asked. "Not really. I'm only here because my parents wanted me to come." He said, sounding bothered. "I graduated junior high and they wanted to celebrate." He said. "I graduated junior high too. My brother brought my sister and I here to celebrate." You said. "How coincidental." He sighed. You didn't know if that was sarcasm or just the way he spoke. "How long are you staying here?" You asked. "I'm supposed to be here for three weeks. Two more to go." He said. "I'll be here for two and a half." You said. He nodded, still very clearly tired. "I'm L/N." You said, introducing yourself. "Semi." He said. You smiled and continued to talk. You both eventually got up and walked around the forest, talking about random things. It was when he got up that you noticed he was shorter than you. It was very cute. At some point though, Naoki called you to come back to the hotel and you had to say bye to Semi. You knew you'd probably run into him again.

You spent the rest of your vacation there hanging out with your siblings in the day and in the evening, you'd relax somewhere with Semi who was eager to get away from the activities his parents had planned.

It was the last day that Semi was going to be on the island for his trip and you two were walking around in a field while you and Semi chatted. "So I kind of had fun on this trip. Even though I'm here against my will." Semi started to say. "I mean, I had fun hanging out with you." Semi said. You didn't expect him to say such an unexpectedly kind thing. "I had fun with you too." You said happily. He sighed deeply. "What's wrong?" You asked. "Nothing." He said in return. "Are you sad to leave?" You asked and went up to him. "Well yeah I guess." He said again. You were going to comfort him when your phone beeped. It was Naoki. He wanted you back to your room. You sighed. "I have to go." You Said. Semi looked to the ground. "It's okay! We had fun didn't we?" You asked. He nodded. "Bye then." You said but were instantly pulled into a hug by the small dude. You giggled into the hug and returned it for a few seconds before letting go. "Bye, Semi!" You shouted and ran off. He waved and shoved his hands into his pockets like an emo child.

The next day, you were hanging out alone, picking strawberries in a random field. You were kind of sad being alone and started thinking of Semi and if he was having fun wherever he was. Then you stomped down. You had forgotten to ask which high school he was going to or even for a phone number. You sighed. Well this really sucked.

Start of the School Year

Shiratorizawa was way bigger than you thought. After the orientation, you had to scramble to find your classroom. You walked into one then realized that you were on the complete opposite side of the building. So you turned and sprinted through the halls to find your classroom, getting shouted at by teachers and faculty members for running in the halls. Eventually, you managed to make it to your classroom on time and the first class started.

So far, this day was sucking major ass. Not only were you almost late for class, but your teacher was constantly glaring at you after seeing you sprint into the room. You were close to glaring back but thought that would make the start of your school year worse. As the teacher was saying something that you weren't paying much attention to, another student walked into the room. He immediately caught your eye. It was Semi!

His uniform was a bit messed up and he was panting. The teacher sighed and asked why he was so late. The teacher had a point, he was extremely late. "I'm sorry I'm late. I uh. I got lost." He awkwardly said with an apology. The giggling of your classmates managed to make his cheeks turn pink as the teacher rolled his eyes and told Semi to take a seat. He sat down three seats from you and tried not to draw attention to himself. He didn't seem to notice you were in the room until he made himself comfortable and stopped panting.

Semi kept giving you side glances and sneaky peeks just to make sure it was actually you. When you gave him a subtle smile, he was sure it was you and spent the rest of the class tapping his foot impatiently until the class was over, so he could talk to you. At the sight of him, you suddenly decided that the start of the school year probably wouldn't be as bad as you first thought.

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