Inseperable ~ Bokuto Kotaro 2

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Today was the day! Your beloved Koo-Chan arrived this morning and you two had planned to meet at the train station. You were sitting on a nearby bench for your boyfriend to arrive. Your eyes were glued to the screen of your phone.

You and Bokuto have been texting, texting, texting, texting and texting since he left for training camp and you were reading messages he'd just sent you saying he was close to the train station, 10 minutes away, 5 minutes.
Suddenly you received another message. "5 seconds away" he texted you. You sprang up from your seating area and looked around quickly. You only saw people who you didn't know. You received another message. "Haha. Kidding still 5 minutes." You plopped yourself down into the bench.

You decided to stand up instead of sitting down. Walking around the train station. While you were walking, you noticed that your hair had a small clip in it and realized that you looked ridiculous with it in your hair. So, you pulled it out not wanting your boyfriend to laugh at how stupid it looked. When you took it out, you accidentally dropped it on the floor so you bent down to get it. However, someone else's hand came into view and picked it up for you. You recognized him quickly as Koo-Chan. "Here miss you dropped thi-" he started and then instantly recognized the shape and details of your face.

There was a long pause. "F/N-CHAN!!" He exclaimed happily and instantly grabbed you, pulling you in for a hug. "I missed you so much!!" He said loudly while kissing you all over your face. "I missed you too, Koo-Chan." You attempted to say but most of your words were cut off by the kisses you received.

You were holding hands while walking through a park. Today, you were spending every hour with Bokuto. Later today when the sun starts to set, you plan to spend the night at his place and then spend the next day together again.

Walking down the stone trail of this park you were in, Bokuto continued to tell you about what went on at the training camp and how he trained with Akaashi, Kuroo and a first year from another school. It sounded like he really had fun just like you expected.

"See, Koo-Chan? I told you that you'd have fun." You smiled teasingly. "I did have fun. But I wanted to be here with you even more than training camp." He said holding you close to him.

Bokuto was a hopeless romantic. But he wasn't very good at being romantic. Sure, he'd pick you up bridal style and brag about how beautiful you are to his friends . However, considering the cheerful, slightly immature, excited and somewhat stupid mood which he always had, seeing him trying to be romantic was a sight to behold. For it was very strange.

You laughed to yourself about the thought of Bokuto being romantic. "Why are you laughing?" He asked curiously. "Oh nothing. It's just funny when you try to be all romantic with me." You hummed. "Funny?" He questioned you sounding slightly offended and annoyed. This was evidenced by his eyebrow twitching. "Whoops. Not funny. CUTE was the word I was looking for, Koo-Chan. You're very cute." You smiled up at him.

He took a while to correctly comprehend what you just said. He had a weird thinking look on his face. This face was familiar to you. He did the exact same face the day you confessed.

Flash Back

It was Valentine's Day and you were wondering if you should even confess like planned. You kept telling yourself that you'd confess but now that the day has come, you felt like you were going to have a heart attack.

You had a fairly good amount of friends that you ate lunch with and watched volleyball practices with. All your friends had something in common that you didn't understand. They all despised a certain girl in your class. Her name was Koharu and she was a Mary-Sue. A social butterfly, goodie two-shoes, smart, pretty and perfect. You didn't mind her since you hardly even knew her. But for some reason, your female friends very much disliked her. It was on Valentine's Day that you found out why.

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