Stuck ~ Hinata Shouyo 2

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It was late at night. You sat in your room, finishing your homework. You sighed and tried to keep doing it but you kept drifting off and loosing focus. You just couldn't pay attention to your work. Your phone buzzed. You glanced at it then picked it up.

"Hey" It said. A message from an unknown sender. "Who is this?" You sent. It replied almost instantly. "Hinata." Was the reply. "Uh. Cool." You replied. "Why the hell is Hinata texting me?" You instantly thought.

So many stars tonite!


Lol. Haha.

So what do you want?

You. I wanted to see if your in the mood for a date.


Lol. Stop corecting me!


Do you want to go out?!


Cause your fun and I like you.


Okay fine! Maybe we can hang out at my place or YOU'RE place. And eat at YOU'RE favourite restaurant!

*your *your And no.

Why not?


U there?


Are you ok?

U there?

Relax. I put my phone down for like ten seconds. And like I said, no.


Cause I don't like you like that. And I don't like that you, Tanaka and Nishinoya made my brother think I like you. Now he ships us.

That's a good thing!

It really isn't. Anyway, bye. I have homework to do.

That's what I like about you, Azumane. Your so smart. Studying and everything.


You silenced your phone and out it down. About three minutes later, there was a knock at your bedroom door. "Yeah?" You asked. Asahi entered, looking pissed. "What? Is Jesus mad?" You asked. He bit his lip and ignored the Jesus comment. "Did you just tell Hinata that he's an idiot and then reject him?" He asked. "No. I rejected him though." You said. Asahi looked at you. "Really?" He asked. "Yes. Why would I call him an idiot? Even if he is." You asked. "Let me see." He said. You handed him your phone.

Asahi looked over the messages quickly and handed you back the phone. "Well you didn't call him an idiot. But you were being kind of Tsukishima-ish." He said. "What's that supposed to mean?" You asked. "A know it all." He said. "I'm not. Hinata kept misspelling everything. And calling me Tsukishima is a compliment. I'd rather date him than Hinata." You grumbled. "Ew. Tsukishima's a smartass. I don't want you dating someone like that." He said. "It's not your concern who I date. But I won't ever date Tsukishima anyway. I just don't want to go out with Hinata. And did you just say ass?" You said. Asahi sighed and left. "Wait? How did you know?" You shouted. "Hinata texted the group chat about you rejecting him." He said as he walked down the stairs. You rolled your eyes and continued your homework.

The Next Day

It was after school. You were on your way out when some randy came out of nowhere and started following you. You stopped half way through the hall. "Can I help you?" You asked and turned to him. "What's your name? You're cute." The guy said. You gave him a funny look and just continued walking. "Hey, can I get your number?" The guy asked as he continued to follow you. "No." You sighed and walked faster. "Come on." He said, still following you. "Dude, fuck off." You said and walked off. He still followed you.

Hinata was with Kageyama, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. The four were leaving the school to go study somewhere. "So she didn't actually call you an idiot." Yamaguchi said. "Well no. But she made me feel like one." Hinata grumbled. "Cause you are." Tsukishima said. Kageyama sipped his milk and didn't seem to be paying attention to the conversation at all. "Shut that handsome face, Tsukishima!" Hinata said loudly. "Ew." Tsukishima muttered. "Hey, isn't that her?" Yamaguchi asked and pointed down the hall. "Looks like she has a boyfriend already, Hinata." Tsukishima said. Hinata looked towards you and saw the annoying guy hitting on you. "Go away. I said no." You said loudly and speed walked down the hall. The guy was about to grab your wrist when Hinata suddenly appeared between you two. He seemed to have ran super fast and pulled some serious Naruto moves.

"What the fuck?!" The guy shouted. "She said no, buddy." Hinata said with the most intimidating look he could do which actually made him look like a red headed Tanaka. "Ugh. Whatever." The guy said and left.

You turned to face Hinata. "Are you okay?" He asked. You nodded. "Yeah. Thanks." You said. Hinata gave you a smile and stepped closer.

"But I'm still not going out with you." You said and left.

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