Personal Space ~ Ushijima Wakatoshi 1

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The day started with Tendou showing up at your apartment. "Ready to go?" He asked in his usually weird tone. "Yeah lets go!" You said happily.

You've been switching high schools for the past two years and finally got accepted into the paradise of a high school that is Shiratorizawa for your third and final year. Not only is the school prestigiously modern and fucking huge, but your best friend went to this school. You were worried when he said he'd be going because you thought he'd be bullied like he's been for years. When you found out that people actually kept to themselves at that school, you desperately wanted to go. Now, you'd be going with your best friend by your side.

The school year started a while ago so you were following a routine.

"So are you coming to another practice today?" Tendou asked. "If I have time. Do you want me to come?" You asked. "Yeah! Ushi's been cranky lately. Maybe a girl being in the gym would balance out his hormones." He said. "Since when do you call Ushijima 'Ushi'?" You asked, laughing and ignoring what he was insinuating. "Not for very long. He prefers me calling him Ushi than miracle boy." Tendou muttered. "I like it better. It's cute." You said.


It was practice time. You had to remind yourself about attending the practice. You just sat there, watching the practice and waiting for it to finish so Tendou could walk you back to your apartment complex and the day could repeat itself tomorrow. You watched as players continued to walk into the gym, change and start practicing. One after one, they'd all walk in and follow the same routine.

"There's a girl watching us." Shirabu muttered as he bounced a volleyball. "Why do you think she's here?" Semi asked with genuine curiosity. "She's Tendou's friend. I see them walking to school together every morning." Ohira confirmed. "Then she's here to watch Tendou." Semi said sounding slightly disappointed. "Weird. Why would such a cute girl hang out with Tendou?" Kawanishi pondered. "No idea." Yamagata said. "Goshiki!" He called. Goshiki, being obedient, ran over to Yamagata. "Yes?" Goshiki asked. "Did you notice the girl over there watching us?" Kawanishi asked, motioning towards you. Goshiki looked. "She's cute! Now I have an excuse to be distracted!" He said sounding happy.

"Buzz off. She's not for you." Tendou said ominously, catching everyone off guard. "No one asked for her. Knock yourself out." Shirabu mumbled and continued practicing. "I dunno. I kinda did." Yamagata said jokingly. "So did Goshiki." Kawanishi laughed. "I didn't!!" Goshiki defended himself. "Don't talk as if she's some item. She shouldn't be for anyone." Semi said monotonously. "I asked her to come for a particular reason. You'll see." Tendou creepily said as he pranced off.

You noticed the majority of the boys talking amongst each other. Tendou emerged from the group and waved at you. You waved back as he ran up to you. "Hey, F/N." He said with his usual, creepy tone. "Hey." You said, smiling. "What time does practice end? You promised to walk me home." You asked. "In about an hour and a half. Don't worry, it'll pass by fast." Tendou reassured you and went off to practice with the team. The door opened at the last member walked in.

Ushijima was already dressed for practice and set his water bottle down beside the entrance. It didn't take long for him to notice your presence. You both made brief eye contact before her broke it and went to practice. "He was staring at her." Shirabu said to Tendou. "I know." Tendou said sounding like he was plotting something.

You continued to watch the practice. It went on for another 45 minutes until something completely random happened.

"Hey, Tendou. What's going on with you?" Semi asked. "I'm fine." Tendou said, waving his hand. "Are you sure?" Shirabu asked. Tendou suddenly put his hand on his mouth. "I'll be right back." He mumbled from behind his hand as he speed-walked out of the gym. Your eyes widened in curiosity. "He looks like he's gonna puke." You thought to yourself. Semi exited the gym with Tendou to make sure he was alright.

The two came back shortly after. "Are you okay?" You asked as you ran up to Tendou. "He threw up. Maybe something he ate." Semi answered for Tendou. "I'll head home with you." You said to Tendou and put a hand on his upper arm. "No. Your apartment complex is far from here and it would be dark by the time you get back." Tendou disagreed. "Someone should walk you home." He sighed. Pretty much every guy in the gym volunteered besides Semi and Shirabu who didn't care. "Hell no. I can't trust you with her." Tendou scoffed. "I'll go with her." Ushijima suddenly volunteered. There was a silence. "Okay. You have my permission." Tendou nodded. "Are you okay with it, F/N?" He asked. You nodded. "Feel better soon." You patted Tendou as he waved and left.

After Practice

Ushijima finished quickly so that he could accompany you on your way home. You both walked together to a train station. You didn't think he'd come into the train with you. "You know you don't have to do this right?" You said. "I told Tendou I would. He wouldn't let me hear the end of it if I didn't do this." He reassured. "Well thanks." You thanked him quietly.

Ushijima held onto the metal bar. You stood in front of him but still close to him. Your fingers lightly held to the bar but you couldn't fully reach it. There was a group of school boys talking loudly near you. They laughed and just made loud noises. A few of them seemed to find you quite adorable as they continuously looked at you and shared glances.

The group moved closer to you and Ushijima. They didn't seem to notice that he was with you. As they got close, the train came to a sudden halt, sending one of the guys into your bubble and you, loosing balance. You would have fallen right onto this guy but you didn't.

You were held closely to Ushijima. His arm was around your waist, keeping you close to him. "Careful." He said close to your ear. You could feel your face getting warm at the lack of distance between you two. He seemed to notice you were flustered but ignored it.

You arrived at the apartment complex safely with Ushijima. "Thanks for walking me home." You thanked him. "Not a problem. I'm sorry if I invaded your personal space earlier." He said. At first you didn't know what he was talking about. "He must have noticed I was all fuzzy about that." You thought. "Oh. It's nothing. I barely even noticed. Besides, I don't have a problem with you entering my personal space." You said, rubbing your neck, suddenly realizing what just came out of your mouth. Ushijima's cheeks turned a faint tint of red at this. It was the first time you'd ever seen him show any sort of emotion. "I mean- you know what I meant right? I didn't mean to say it that way." You said quickly, once again feeling your face heat up. "Yeah I got it." Ushijima said, looking away from you. "Anyway, thanks." You thanked him again. He nodded and left.

You shut the door behind you and locked it. "Hope I get the chance to enter his personal space." You though, smirking to yourself as you went to do your homework.

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