Admirable ~ Tanaka Ryūnosuke 5

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It was a Friday morning when you received a mysterious package at your door. The doorbell rang and not too long after, you could see the silhouette of someone sprinting away. Probably the person that left the package. It was about fifteen minutes before you'd be leaving to get to school and you didn't think you had enough time to open it and look through it. So, you simply plopped the package onto a table in your living room and took a peek inside. As soon as you looked, your jaw dropped.

There was a stunning white dress that flared at the bottom in the box. There was also a piece of paper on top of it that said: "For a special night" with a heart drawn next to the writing. You thought this was probably Tanaka trying to be a gentleman in weird way. After briefly looking through the box, you left for school.

As soon as you got to school, you noticed that your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. Not to mention, neither were a chunk of the guys on his team. "Weird..." You muttered to yourself as you walked into your home room. "Hey, F/N!" Makoto instantly ran to your side. "Hey." You mumbled, still wondering what was up with the volleyball team. "Hey! I forgot to ask. What's your favorite flower?!" Makoto practically yelled.

"What a random fucking question." You said with a light laugh. "Well ya know, I gotta know everything about my best friend ever right?" She said nudging you. "I like lilies I guess." You said, not thinking much of it. "Cool!" Makoto yelled and got on her phone. "What are you doing?" You asked. "Texting someone. It's none of your business!" Makoto said, sticking her tongue out. "Whatever." You sighed and sat in your spot for another torturous day of the prison called school.

Night Time

You were worried. You had texted Tanaka and even tried calling him since he didn't come to school and you wanted to know he was alright. But he never picked up. You did the same with his teammates and even his sister but you got a similar result. You sighed. "What's going on?" You asked yourself with a sad voice. That's when you remembered the cute dress you got earlier today. You didn't try it on yet and that would cheer you up for sure!

Undressing and pulling the dress onto yourself, you looked in the mirror. This dress was gorgeous. It wasn't white like you thought but actually a pail lavender. It was loose fitting but the bottom flared out with subtle ruffles. It ended just above your knees and showed off those nice ass legs that Tanaka loves so much.

You thought of him. Why wasn't he picking up your messages? Why wasn't he calling you back or just letting you know he was alright? And why were his friends not picking up either? Did he tell them not to? The worst possible thoughts came rushing to your head. Was he cheating on you?!?! Did he want to break up? "But I love you." You muttered to yourself as if you were talking to him right that instant. That's when your thoughts were interrupted. Your doorbell rang.

Forgetting how you were dressed, you answered the door. "Hello?" You asked and instantly got frightened at the two tall men at you door. They were both dressed in matching black dress pants, white button up shirts, black neckties, matching black blazers and sunglasses that covered their faces. They looked like hitmen or spies or something. Not to mention they were both very tall and had a scary aura coming from them. "Can I help you?" You asked nervously. "Yeah." One of them lazily said. His voice was recognizable. Where did you hear that voice before? The other one interrupted. "Yes. We are your escorts." The other dude said sounding more polite but also like he didn't want to be there. He also sounded very familiar. That's when some guy's voice could be heard from a car. "STOP TAKING SO LONG!" It shouted. This voice was even more familiar than the others. The guy that recently spoke to you ran his hand through his blonde hair and you instantly recognized him.

"Tsukishima is that you?" You asked kind of weirded out. "Great job, asshole. You blew our cover." The other guy said. "Kageyama?! What are you both doing here?" You asked very confused and slightly amused. "And how the hell do you know where I live?" You asked. "We can't tell you that. You should put some shoes and a coat on." Tsukishima advised. You shrugged. "Why not?" You said to yourself and put some shoes on along with a coat.

Kageyama and Tsukishima led you to a car where Kageyama opened the door for you, letting you in. Tsukishima sat in the passenger seat next to some other guy. "Welcome." He said. You noticed this guy's brown hair sticking up. "Nishinoya. What's going on?" You asked. "And are you on a booster seat?" The other two laughed. "Damnit." He mumbled. That's when he hit the gas and the car started.

"Wait! Are you driving?!" You asked Nishinoya. "Indeed." He said. "Tsukishima! Why don't you drive? Your feet could actually reach the pedals!" You asked. "I don't have a license and neither does the king." He replied. "And you somehow think that Nishinoya has a license?" You asked. There was a long silence as Noya continued to drive. Tsukishima sighed and looked very depressed all of a sudden. "I guess I'm dying today. At least I'm not with Bokuto or Kuroo." He said as the realization hit him. Nishinoya smiles sweetly at him. "Don't get me wrong. I don't want to die along side you morons either." Tsukishima said. "It's not much of a pleasure to die with you either, ugly." Kageyama complained.

"Don't call Tsukishima ugly! You're jealous!" Yelled Hinata's voice. "What the fuck?!" You shouted as you didn't even know he was in the car. "Hey." Said Hinata from the trunk. "How's it going?" He asked casually. "Why are you in the trunk?" You asked. "It's fun. I don't have to wear a seatbelt." He smiled. "We're here!" Nishinoya yelled as the car came to a halt.

Kageyama got out and opened the door for you. Hinata climbed out after you. "Proceed." Nishinoya said, trying to sound formal. The four guys walked you into a dark building you'd never seen before. You didn't even bother asking questions. You still didn't understand why they were all in dapper clothes. Things got weirder as you soon saw Daichi and Suga also in formal attire.

That's when someone opened a door for you. "Hi, Asahi." You smiled sweetly as he opened the door. You knew it was him because of how awkward his presence was. "Hi, L/N-San." He said happily.

The door was shut behind you and you found yourself on a roof. Around you were lit candles and a table that had a bouquet of lilies. Now things were starting to click. You walked up to the edge of the roof and looked at the view.

"So when's my boyfriend coming out?" You shouted. You heard someone say a curse word and you soon saw Tanaka appear out of a different door. He was also dressed nicely. "How did you know?" He asked as he walked up to you. "I guessed." You said and walked closer to him. "What's going on, Ryu?" You asked. "I love you!" He shouted. "Uh. Yeah I know." You said laughing.

Music started to play. "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP, NEVER GONNA LET YOU-" You looked to the direction of the music to see that Yamaguchi (also very well dressed) was turning off the radio. "Sorry." He whispered and played a sincere piano song instead. "So what is all this for?" You asked. Tanaka walked to the table and picked up the flowers, handing them to you. As he handed them to you, he walked closer until your noses touched. "I'm going to marry you one day, F/N." He said quietly. "Please don't dump me. If you do, we won't be able to get married." He pleaded. "What made you think I was dumping you?" You asked. "Guys confess to you a lot and you never let me do anything about it." He expressed his feelings. "I'm worried that one day, someone's going to ask you out and be better than me. And then you'll have to say yes." He said.

"Ryu, no one's better than you. I care for you a lot okay? I'm not dumping you." You said laughing as you stood onto your tippy toes and kissed your man. There was a long silence (besides the music that Yamaguchi was trying to take care of) and you felt happy.

"God you're so dumb." You laughed as you both walked off.

The couple left and the rest of the team was just there. The guys all cleaned up and Nishinoya payed everyone as promised. "So now what?" Hinata asked. "Movie at my place?" Nishinoya proposed. Everyone agreed and they all left. What a fun night for everyone!!

I'm making this a meme amongst my chapters now. Be ready to hear some Smalldickinoya.

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