Remember ~ Azumane Asahi 1

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Everything was dark. Pitch black. You could see nothing. You had no thoughts. Not a single thing was roaming through your mind. And then suddenly, you could see. You opened your eyes and found yourself in a light colored room.

You were in a bed. After looking around, you figured out that you were in some sort of medical center. And in the corner of the room, sitting in a chair with his face in his palms was... Jesus?

"Uh. Hello?" You said, sitting up in the bed. The guy instantly looked up. "F/N, You're alright." He said sounding relieved as he went up to your bed and hugged you. "I thought I lost you." He said as he cradled you. You sat there, limp as he held you close. He finally disconnected his body from your's. "How do you feel?" He asked. "Fine." You said calmly. "How did this happen?" He asked. You tried to think for a moment. You didn't know what happened. You didn't know who this dude was, where you were or who you were.

"I don't know." You said. "What?" He asked. You looked up to him. "Who are you?" You asked. The guys froze. "Asahi. Your boyfriend. F/N, you don't remember me?" He asked, looking terrified. "No I don't think so. I don't know anything. All I know is what you just told me." You said. He looked like he was going to freak out. "Are you sure?" He asked as he touched your shoulder. You flinched as he did. "Sorry. One minute. I'll be right back okay?" He said, leaving the room.

You sat for a while and looked around. You recognized nothing. So far, all you figured out was that you had a boyfriend named Asahi and he kept calling you "F/N" So you assumed that was your name.

Asahi walked back in with an older man. The old man walked up to you. "L/N, do you know who I am?" He asked. You shook your head. The man looked to Asahi who looked very nervous. "I'm Dr.Nobuki. I and other professionals have been treating you after you were in a car accident. Do you remember anything about the accident?" The doctor asked. You thought for a while. "No." You said. The doctor sighed. Asahi put his hand on his head and took a deep breath.

"You have amnesia." The doctor said. "I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do. You still have a head injury so we're going to have to keep you here. Your memory may come back after some time." He said. "Hopefully you remember everything before you return home." The doctor said. "I'm very sorry." He finished and left the room, leaving you alone with Asahi.

He walked up to you. You felt sad. "I can't believe it." You said. "I don't even know where I live." You said. Asahi was at a lost for words, not knowing what to say or do. "I'm sure it will come back to you soon." Asahi said. You looked at him. "I'm sorry." You sighed. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault." He muttered, looking extremely upset. "Do you know how this happened?" You asked. Asahi took a deep breath. "You live with Riku, your sister. Yesterday, she was driving you to school and you crashed. That's what the doctor told me." He said. "I have a sister? Where is she?"  You asked. "She's here in the next room over. She already woke up and was asking for you." Asahi told you. "So she didn't loose her memory." You muttered. "No but she has a head injury." He said. 

You felt like you should have been worried or scared for Riku. But you didn't feel like you knew her so you didn't really care about her. 

Asahi was now sitting beside you in a chair. You had asked him to tell you everything he knew about you. You thought that if her was your boyfriend, hearing facts about you coming from him would make it easier or you to remember everything. Unfortunately, you couldn't remember anything. Eventually, it got pretty late and Asahi had to leave. "I'll come and visit you tomorrow okay?" Asahi said before he left, giving you a sad smile. 

Asahi's Side

Asahi walked slowly with tears in his eyes. He had texted some of his friends about the situation and as soon as he sent the message saying that you didn't remember him, Nishinoya called him. Asahi held the phone to his ear and cleared his throat so that he didn't sound too emotional while on the phone. "Hello?" He asked. "Asahi! Are you serious about L/N?" Nishinoya asked, his usually childish and joking voice was in a serious tone. "Yeah. She doesn't remember anything at all." Asahi spoke. "Why can't she just get it cured?" Nishinoya stupidly asked. "There's no cure for amnesia, Nishinoya." Asahi said. "Sure there is. Can't you just hit her in the head with something?" Nishinoya asked. "No. I'm not going to hit her. She's still my girlfriend." Asahi said. "B-but! But Asahi!" Nishinoya stuttered. "What?" Asahi asked. "B-but I don't want her to forget everything! Because th-that means she forgot about you! A-and you'll be... You'll be sad and.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." Nishinoya started to cry. "Why are you crying?" Asahi asked. "I want you to be happy. Or else I won't be happy." Nishinoya continued to cry. "Listen, don't cry or else I will. And she'll get her memory back. She's too important and too special to not remember." Asahi reassured himself and Nishinoya who continued to cry. "I'm sorry but. I should hang up now." Asahi said. Nishinoya responded with a muffled "okay" and Asahi hung up. As soon as he hung up though, he got a call from Suga, Daichi, Tanaka and literally everyone else on the team. This reassured him. And Asahi was now determined to help you remember every single thing that you didn't remember. And it was going to work! 

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