Another Match -Oikawa Tooru 3

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You yawned loudly. "That was loud." The handsome setter said, laughing from behind you while he played with your hair. His fingers ran through each strand. He did this often with your hair. He'd usually be sitting behind you with you between his legs. Kind of as if you were both on a slide or something.

He lifted the bottom of your hair so that the back of your neck was revealed. He pressed his forehead against the back of your neck and inhaled deeply. "I love how you smell." He exhaled in satisfaction. "You know that's really creepy right?" You smirked. "It's not." He said sounding slightly annoyed. You laughed. "I'm kidding." You patted his head from behind.

He pressed his nose against the back of your neck. It was cold. The cold feeling on your neck sent shivers down your spine and goosebumps everywhere. "Holy shit!" You exclaimed out of shock. He hummed, clearly amused and kissed your neck. "Tooru..." You sighed. "Don't do that." You were annoyed but kind of wondering what would happen next.

Your boyfriend must have sensed it because he turned you around pulled you by the waist onto his lap so that you were facing each other. He instantly darted at your lips. You slightly winced at the sudden action but quickly returned the kiss.
Soon, he pulled away. "F/N." He started to speak. "Can we-" he was quickly cut off by the sound of your phone ringing. You took it out of your pocket and put it to your ear.

"HEY!" The voice almost made you pass out. It was your friend, Akane. She was a good friend of your's who had an eye for boys, particularly the attractive ones. Sometimes she'd call you to talk about a guy she'd be interested in or think you might like. Sometimes she'd even call you late at night and bother you, keeping you awake about boys. She was boy crazy. She was also very interested in sports. So, when she got her hands on a volleyball magazine with a certain, brown haired, handsome setter who you happened to be sitting on, she fell for him. Akane had a crush on Oikawa, even though she hadn't met him.

"Hey, Akane." You responded trying to sound normal. "WHERE ARE YOU?!"
She asked demandingly. You were scared to say. She didn't know that you were dating Oikawa. You wondered how she'd react if you told her what you  just finished doing and who's lips you'd just been kissing. "I'm uh. Not... in my house." You responded stupidly. Oikawa laughed at what had just exited your mouth.

"WHO WAS THAT?! WAS THAT A BOY?! ARE YOU WITH A BOY?!" Akane eagerly asked you. "Uhm. Haha. Hahahaha." You nervously laughed. Oikawa smiled. "It's okay. Tell her I don't mind." He was waiting for a response. You gulped. "Hehe. Uhm. Akane..." You started. "WELL?! WHAT'S HIS NAME?!" Akane asked excitedly. You paused for a while and took a deep breath. "...... Tooru............" You said hesitantly. Oikawa laughed.

You put your hand on the phone so that Akane couldn't hear you. "Stop laughing it's not funny! She's a huge fan of your's you know?" You poked him. "So she's one out of many." He smirked all cocky. You grumbled something he couldn't understand and got back on the phone. "TOORU WHAT?! YOU'RE NOT DATING OIKAWA ARE YOU?! HAHAHAHA!" Akane laughed about the thought of her friend dating her crush. You paused. "I uh... Sorry for heh... not telling you." You nervously said. "WHAT?!" Akane was spazzing.

That's when Oikawa snatched your phone and put it on speaker. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" He said happily into the phone. "WHAT?! WHO IS THIS?!" Asked Akane who instantly knew the voice on the other line. "Oikawa Tooru. Your my girlfriend's friend right?" He smiled happily. "AJSMFKRNAYWLAHWKWKAJAHSKAHWJAJWJSKSIEOPWOSKSLHWJSJDIIWUWUWHSIIIIDNSGWHQMNALDLXXKSOAOLWVSGRXEUEOSI WOMANSRGKSOBUYHRJAKNF!" Was all you heard as Oikawa dropped the phone out of shock.

You picked up the phone. "Haha. Are you okay?" You asked. She was silent. "F/N! Invite her to my match tomorrow." Oikawa suggested. "Why? Everyone knows you're going to win." You responded. "You said she was a fan right?" He smiled. "Since when did you give a shit about your fans?" You asked. "Well she's your best friend so I'll end up meeting her at some point right?" He asked. "YES I'LL GOOOOOOO!" Screamed Akane as she hung up the phone shortly after.

Next Day

You and Akane were in the bleachers, waiting for the game to start. When the volleyball players ran into the court a literal army of girls screamed at he top of their lungs. You just waved at your cousin and the other players. Akane screamed at the top of her lungs when she saw Oikawa. Oikawa however was scanning the audience looking for you. As soon as he set eyes on you he smiled and waved happily. The fan girls assumed that he was waving at them so he decided to try something else.

He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled across the gym. "I LOVE YOU F/N!" He screamed. The gym went silent as Hajime punched the back of Oikawa's head and people looked in your direction. Akane looked at you straight in the face. "You were serious?" She asked slightly glaring at you for "stealing her man".

Tears started to flow from her cheeks. "I'm so proud of you..." She was being ridiculous.

After the match

You stood in the hallway with Akane and waited for your boyfriend to show up. He soon came sprinting down the hallway to avoid your annoyed and pissed off cousin. "Next time you embarrass my cousin like that again, you'll be loosing those already non-existent balls!" Hajime threatened.

You and Akane looked at each other and giggled at what Hajime just threatened.

"F/N!" Oikawa shouted out and ran to you. He instantly pulled you into a hug and kissed you passionately. Hajime was about going to kill him as Akane just stood there in aw. "Hi!" He then disconnected his lips from your's and faced Akane. "It's nice to meet you." He waved at Akane innocently. "Well! We should go. F/N's spending the night at my place!" He cheerfully said. You didn't agree with spending the night at his place. He didn't even bring it up with you.

"Oh! You're not wearing a coat." He pointed out. "No. I'm not." You responded. He took off his coat and put it, resting on your shoulders. "Here he said happily. It was so warm.

"Bye, Akane-Chan! Bye Iwa-Chan!" He waved and walked off with you. Akane's jaw dropped as you both walked off. Hajime just turned and walked in the other direction.

You both exited the building after abandoning your cousin and your friend. It was cold but you felt fine with Oikawa's volleyball coat on. He shuttered as the cold air hit him and glanced at you a couple times, yearning for the jacket. But he said nothing.

You smiled. The oversized coat was like a blanket. "Do you want the jacket back?" You asked. "Huh? No! I can't let you get a cold." He smiled trying to be gentlemanly and sneezed. You took off the coat and put it on his shoulders. "Let's go." You walked ahead of him.

Your boyfriend quickly caught up to you. You soon felt a warmth on you. He was hugging you from behind with the coat covering his back and your sides. "Uhm. What are you doing?" You asked. "Walking with you." He responded. "How the hell am I supposed to walk like this?" You asked. "Don't worry. I'll probably start carrying you at one point." He sighed. "And it's not that far. We're going to my place." He added on.

You sighed. "I'm not gonna get out of this am I?" You sighed. "Nope!" He replied.

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