Cleanliness ~ Ukai Keishin 1

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Mr.Yamada, your boss was shouting at you from the other room. You were scrubbing a stain off of a floor in some condo. This was your job, cleaning rich people's homes while they were away. And you couldn't stand your boss. "Are you done with that stain yet, L/N?" He shouted. "No!" You shouted back. "God, you've been working on that for a while now. How much do you suck at cleaning?" HE shouted back. You gritted your teeth and prepared a snarky insult as your coworker and roommate, Meisa was cleaning a toilet beside you. "F/N, don't even think about being rude." She said with a menacing glare. "But he's being a dick." You said quietly so only Meisa could hear. "He's always a dick. Just deal with it. The day's almost over." She said. You rolled your eyes, not giving in to the urge to yell at your boss. You coated your sponge with more soap and went back to scrubbing.

"Fucking hell." You grunted as the stain refused to go away. "That better not have been a curse word from you, L/N. Cursing on the job is bad customer service!" Mr.Yamada said from the other room. You didn't think he heard you. "The owners of this place aren't even here, Sir." You said back at him. "Don't talk back to me, L/N! Do your job!" He shouted back. You gritted your teeth again. "F/N." Meisa said. You sighed and went back to scrubbing. Mr.Yamada walked into the washroom that you were cleaning with Meisa to inspect your progress. "Ugh, L/N, you're still trying to clean that stain?" He asked, "Yeah, Sir." You said while you scrubbed. "It's taking way too long. This is your job, you know? You should know how to properly clean a floor." He said sounding condescending. "I know, Sir. But this is a pretty stubborn stain." You said. He sighed. "Disgraceful. You women are supposed to know how to clean things like this." He said sounding disappointed as he began to leave the room.

You shot up into the air and stood up off the ground. Meisa looked at you and shook her head, warning you to not do whatever you were about to do. You didn't care. "Okay, you know what? Fuck you!" You shouted at your boss. "Excuse me?" Mr.Yamada asked and turned around to face you. "You heard me right, bitch. Fuck you! Don't start telling me that I should know how to clean this dumb-ass stain because I'm a chick! It's the owner's fucking fault for making this stain in the first place!" You shouted. Mr.Yamada crossed his arms. "Oh really?" He asked. "Yeah! Obviously! Did you see me making this stain? No, bitch! So don't be giving me shit for it! And another thing, don't come in here telling me that I should know how to do this cause it's my fucking job. You know what your job is? YOU WALK AROUND RICH PEOPLE'S HOUSES, SUPERVISING JANITORS! YOU SUPERVISE JANITORS FOR A LIVING! YOU'RE AT LEAST FORTY AND THIS IS YOUR FUCKING JOB AND YOU STILL TRY TO JUDGE ME? FUCK YOU!" You shouted and threw your sponge at him, getting soap all over his face. There was a long silence...

A Week and a Half after being Fired

You were lying in bed at ten in the morning. Meisa walked into your room. "Hey." She said as she walked in. "Go awaaaaaaay." You groaned. "You've been in bed forever. Do you know what time it is?" She asked. "Way too early for you to be back from work." You sighed. The next thing you knew, a pillow was launched at you. "Okay! Fuck. I'll get up."

You groaned and sat up in bed. "What? And why are you home already?" You asked. "There was a gas leak at the house I was cleaning so we were dismissed until it's fixed." Meisa explained. "And you woke me up why?" You asked. "Cause I found a piece of paper stapled to a post." She said. You winced at her. "You need a job, F/N. Whoever it is, is asking for help at a general store." Meisa said and dropped the flyer for you to look at. You looked over it. "I'll call later then." You yawned and went back to sleep. Meisa tried to wake you back up but eventually gave up and left.

When you got up and actually called the number from the sheet, it was already six thirty in the evening. Luckily, the phone was answered almost immediately. "Hello?" Asked a cranky sounding man's voice. "Hi. I read a flyer that said you needed help at a store?" You asked. "Oh great. Okay how old are you?" He asked. "24." You said. "Kay, when can you come in for- GO HOME AND STOP MAKING ALL THAT NOISE! Sorry, when would be a good day for you to come in for an interview?" He asked. You fell off your chair after being startled from his abrupt shouting. You got back up and sat back down. "Uhm. I don't know. I mean, I'm not a very busy person." You answered. "Hmm. Can you get here for seven thirty tonight?" The guy on the phone asked. "So soon?" You asked. "I know it's soon but I really need someone for this job." The guys said, sounding desperate. You asked for the address.

At the Sakanoshita General Store

You walked into the store ten minutes before you were supposed to show up. You were immediately greeted by a guy at the cash. He was standing up as if he were waiting for you. He had two visible piercings in his left ear and very obviously dyed blond hair. "Hey. I called earlier." You said as you made your way to the counter the guy was at. "Great. You're here early." He said and stood in front of you. "This dude's kinda hot." You heard yourself think. "So. Earlier this year, my schedule shifted a bit and I had to have someone else in working the hours that I'd be gone for. But, he quit. So uh. I needed someone else. All you have to do is sign for the supplies we get delivered, stock shelves and stuff, and just wait around for people to buy stuff." He explained. "Cool. I think I could do that." You said with confidence. "Great. You're hired. Be here tomorrow at three." He said and went back to the cash. That was it?

"Uh. That's all?" You asked. "Yeah. You should be fine." He said. "But... you didn't even ask for a resume or... what if I'm a criminal?" You asked. "Are you?" He asked. "Well no. But... okay." You shrugged. "I'll see you at three I guess." You said. "Goodnight." He said as you left.


"How'd it go?" Meisa asked. "I got hired. It seems like a pretty easy place." You said. "Great! When do you start?" She asked. "Tomorrow." You said as you sat down in the couch beside her. "Is the boss nice?" She asked. "He seems nice enough. He's chill. Pretty hot too. Didn't catch his name though." You said. "His name was on the flyer. You didn't read it?" She asked. "I only read the number." You said as you picked up the flyer that was conveniently on the floor in front of you. You read it. "Ukai? What a weird name." You said. "Don't make fun of your boss' name." Meisa warned you. "I'm not, I'm not." You sighed.

You went to bed that night, a little nervous of your first day on the job but not too worried. This was a new job! Which meant a new start for you... kind of. And you were looking forward to it.

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