Perfection ~ Sugawara Koushi 1

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You were all settled into your apartment. You lived there alone and got a frequent allowance from your parents to help with all necessary payments and high school. Not to mention, you had a part time job, waiting tables at a small café that was near your school.

Every morning was the same. Get up, eat, dress, make yourself presentable, finish last minute homework and get the hell out before you're late. It wasn't until one morning when things actually changed a little.

It was a Friday morning. That was when one of your teachers wanted you to come to school early to write a test you missed. Unsurprisingly, you finished the test very quickly and had loads of time to spare before school started and students started showing up. You didn't think there were any students around the school this early so when you decided to explore the school grounds a bit, you were caught off guard to see the volleyball team practicing around the gym.

You walked by the door swiftly and caught a glimpse of who was inside. Many were tall, two in particular were not. However, when you continued on your way, one in particular caught your eye... Right after the volleyball hit you in the ass. "A fack!" You cursed as you stumbled a bit from the impact. "Did I hit someone?!" A childish and almost female sounding voice echoed. "I'll get it." A more mature voice said.

He exited the gymnasium to see you holding the ball that had just hit you. "This your's?" You casually asked, not taking the time to look at this guy. "I'm sorry about that. It wasn't intentional." The kind sounding voice of the dude in front of you said. "It's fine. Guess I wasn't supposed to be here anyway." You said, laughing a bit. That was when you actually made eye contact with him. He smiled sweetly when your eyes locked, leaving a very long and awkward silence. "He's pretty." You thought, admiring the details of his face. He had a pail complexion with lovely, silver hair that made a prominent contrast to the dark mark beside his eye. His cheeks were also lightly dusted with a natural rosy tint. It took a while for you to notice that you were creepily staring at him and it took you even longer to realize that he was doing the exact same thing.

You both seemed to realize it at the same time and awkwardly smiled. "Uh. Here." You lightly tossed the ball back to him which he caught. "Thanks." He casually said. Suddenly, he felt the need to introduce himself to you. Common curtesy or just peak in interest? "I'm Sugawara Koushi." He said after another random silence. You smiled sweetly which made him smile even more. "L/N F/N." You introduced yourself as well. "Heh. Not sure why I decided to introduce myself to you." He sighed. "Me neither." You laughed a bit.

He looked as if he was going to say something else but then- "Suga!!" Someone that sounded like the coach called from the gymnasium. "The hell's taking you so long?" Yelled a voice you already knew was your underclassman, Tanaka's. "That's my cue." He said sweetly and waved to you as he walked back to the gym. You waved back.

Two days later...

It seemed that ever since the day you met Suga, he appeared more and more around school. Now that you actually knew who he was, his existence was more evident to you than before. If you both saw each other, you'd smile at one another or wave. Sometimes, he'd be with a friend who would nudge him and tease him a little about "the cute girl he stares at". It was partly true as you noticed him staring at you countless times. Didn't matter, he caught you doing the same. Who could blame you? He was shaped to perfection.

It was today that he decided to sit down beside you at lunch. "Hi, L/N." He simply said with a cute smile. "I hope you don't mind if I eat with you." He continued. "Of course not. Not many people actually would like to eat with me, anyway." You joked.

Once again, an awkward silence. It seemed you were good at those since you met each other.

"You're probably wondering why I'm eating with you." Suga muttered. "I just want to know you." He said in an attempt to make things less awkward. "I want to know you too." You monotonously said. "Most guys in high school are dicks. You clearly aren't so thanks for that." You mumbled and bit into an apple. He just smiled in response.

Next Week

You just finished working and changed out of your work uniform. The sun had already set and you were ready to go home. You stepped onto the bus and waited for it to take you home. The bus was going steady but then some random girl bumped into you, sending you into some random guy who was near you. You held onto a pole a pulled yourself off the guy from there only to notice that he was very familiar. "L/N. Hi." Suga smiled.

"Oh hey." You said, feeling your cheeks heating up. "Did I just fall on him?" You asked yourself. "It's late. Why are you out? It could be dangerous." Suga asked with concern. "Cause I just finished working.... The café near the school." You explained. "Why are you out so late?" You asked. "Volleyball practice." He said. You noticed the gym bag he had and his volleyball sweater. "Right. I should have guessed that." You muttered.

The bus came to a halt. "Well, this is my stop. See you." You waved and got off. Only he came off as well. "This is your stop too?" You asked. "No. I just didn't want to ask you out on the bus." He explained. "Aaaaah. I see." You nodded and then comprehended what he said. "Wait, What?!" You exclaimed.

Suga smiled. "Can we maybe go out some time?" He asked. "Why?" You asked. "Cause I like you." He said with a shrug. "But you're so... pretty." You said hesitantly. "Well so are you." Suga said with a blush. And we was right.

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