(Lemon) Cute ~ Yamaguchi Tadashi 4

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Right into the action, people. Haha sorry for poisoning the innocent child.

You took a deep breath a gripped the bedsheets. The strap of your bra slid down your shoulder as he softly groaned your name and pursed his lips around your clit. You closed your legs around his head and threw your head back to moan. You softly began to grind against his lips as he pleasured you. "F/N." He moaned as his right hand gripped your thigh and lifted your leg a bit higher. He kept breathing heavily against your womanhood. You continued to grind. You moaned his name over and over again as you continued to grip the bedsheets.

He took his face out from between your legs and undid his belt. You found him reaching for a condom. "Dang it. We only have one left." He said. "Shit." You sighed. "It's not a problem! I'll just get more." He reassured you as he adjusted himself between your legs after rubbering up. He instantly leaned down and managed to lift one of your legs over his shoulder. He took a deep breath and inserted himself. Unexpectedly, he pounded you roughly as soon as he entered. You arched your back and moaned. "I'm sorry if it hurts." He said as he thrusted harder. You smiled through the sweet pain and gripped the tips of his hair.

Yams moaned loudly as you climaxed and tightened around him. "H-ha, F/N." He moaned as he finished after a few more thrusts. This session didn't last too long but you still enjoyed it. You two stayed like that for a bit like you usually did after having sex which you did very often now.

You two got up after a while. "Do you want ramen?" He asked randomly while he put his pants back on. You laughed a bit as you put on his shirt. "Sure." You said and sat up. He left the room and headed to the kitchen, you followed him. Yams put the kettle on, leaned against the counter and took a deep breath. You stared at your shirtless boyfriend. He was skinny and chunky in all the right places with just the right mixture of muscle. While you were checking him out, you noticed he was staring right at you "What?" You asked. "You're just really pretty, wearing my shirt and all." He said with a dorky sounding laugh. You smiled. He was just too cute. "Your hair's all messy." You said and went up to him to fix his hair. He smiled at you while your fingers ran through his soft hair. "So many split ends." You said and let go. As soon as you let go, his arms closed around you and pulled you into a warm hug.

You looked up at him and you two shared a tender kiss. He took a deep breath and the kiss quickly turned passionate as he turned you around against the counter and lifted you onto the counter top. You wrapped your legs around him. You were still shorter than him even though you were sitting on the counter. He lifted his head and you started to kiss and nibble his neck. He soon connected his lips with yours again. You hummed into the kiss before he abruptly broke away. "What's the matter?" You asked. "We're going to get carried away again if we keep this up. And we don't have anymore condoms. Remember?" He asked. You sighed. "Yeah I sort of forgot about that." You said, disappointed that you couldn't have another dose of Yams. "The ramen's almost ready!" He said. That cheered you up quite a bit.

A Week Later ~ After School

Somehow, you and Yamaguchi had managed to survive several days without having sex. Since the first time you slept together, the two of you had been going at it at least five times a week. AT LEAST. Now because you were out of condoms, and condoms were expensive, you hadn't been messing around at all for several days. (Several = like eight) And your days automatically felt longer and more tiresome, the more days you went without getting a piece of Yams. At this point, the two of you were pretty desperate.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were walking together after practice. As usual though, Tanaka and Nishinoya were up to something. As Tsukki and Yams walked calmly together, they heard screaming coming from behind them. "YOU DUMBASS!" Shouted Kageyama's voice. "Woaaah! So cool!" Exclaimed Hinata. "FUCK! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Was what could be heard from Tanaka and from Nishinoya was just laughter. "What's going on?" Yamaguchi asked as he was about to turn around. "If I were you, I'd ignore it. Just pretend you didn't hear anything." Tsukishima advised. Yamaguchi took his advise and the two continued to walk quietly but not for long.

"OH SHIT! TSUKISHIMA, YAMAGUCHI! HELP!" Tanaka's loud voice shrieked. Tsukishima was about to put on his headphones and ignore the calls for help of his teammate but was interrupted when he was almost ran over by Tanaka attempting to ride Hinata's bike, which was too small for him. And for some reason, a laughing Nishinoya was sitting on his shoulders. Yamaguchi started to laugh. Tsukishima didn't join in on laughing until Tanaka crashed by ramming into a pole.

Nishinoya got off the ground. "Ryuu, how do you not know how to ride a bike?" He asked. "I can ride a bike just not Hinata's. Hinata! Why is your bike total ass?" He shouted as Hinata and Kegayama made their way down the hill. "Because he's total ass." Kageyama said and pointed at Hinata. "Am not! Oh hi, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi." Hinata said, completely ignoring that his bike was injured by a telephone pole. Nishinoya and Tanaka were probably a bit hurt too but, no one really cared. "Shouldn't you go make sure your bike is fine?" Yamaguchi asked. "Right! So smart." Hinata said and ran to his bike. It was perfectly fine. Tanaka and Nishinoya were complaining about how they skidded their knees and their elbows. So, they decided to take a trip to Ukai's store to find bandaids. Tsukishima didn't want to go with them but was craving an orange soda so he tagged along with Yamaguchi by his side, of course.

All six of them walked in. "Ugh. That was you guys making all that noise?" Ukai sighed. "Sorry. We got hurt. Do you sell bandaids?" Tanaka asked. Ukai nodded and put out a cigarette. As Tanaka and Nishinoya browsed the bandaids, Hinata and Kageyama joined them. And Tsukishima headed over to find his drink with Yamaguchi. That's when things were about it get awkward. As the two were walking to the drinks, Yamaguchi noticed that the condoms at Ukai's store were on sale. Yams didn't know what to do. He needed the condoms. But he was also currently with four idiots and his judgemental friend. He came up with a plan. He took out his phone and texted L/N.

Call me ASAP!

That's all he typed. Tsukishima headed to the cash. Tanaka and Nishinoya bought their bandaids and left as Tsukishima payed for the drink. Suddenly, Yamaguchi's phone rang. "I have to take this. Just wait outside." Yams said and headed back to the isle here he found the condoms. Tsukishima shrugged and waited outside. "Thank you so much, F/N." He thanked you over the phone. "What do you mean? Is everything okay?" You asked. "You're helping me out of an uncomfortable situation so yeah. Everything's okay now." He said as he brought the condoms to the cash. "I'll explain another time. Bye!" Yams said. You giggled. "Bye." You said and hung up.

Ukai gave Yamaguchi a look as he payed for the contraceptives. "So..." Ukai started. "I Uh... Yeah." Yamaguchi sighed. Ukai laughed. "Be careful with him." Ukai advised. "Him?" Yamaguchi asked. Ukai looked outside and pointed and Tsukishima. "I'm guessing you're buying these cause- "No! I have a girlfriend." Yamaguchi explained, embarrassed. Ukai blinked very fast. "Oh. Oh my god, sorry! You two just spend so much time together I thought- sorry." He apologized to Yamaguchi. "Haha it's okay you're not the first to think that." He awkwardly forgave Ukai for making a mistake. "Just please don't mention this to anyone." Yamaguchi asked. Ukai nodded as Yams left the store after tucking the condoms into his bag.

It wasn't too late. Maybe seven thirty, maybe eight. You didn't really pay attention the the time when Yamaguchi showed up at your door. "Hi, Cutie!" You said. "Hi, F/N. You look really pretty today, like always." He said. He always left you thinking about how cute he is.

He shut and locked the door behind him and you both went to your room. "So how was practice?" You asked as you walked in. Yamaguchi locked the door behind the two of you. "It was fine." He said while he locked it and dug into his bag. "Why'd you want me to call you?" You asked. "Uh. Because a big pack of condoms were on sale at Ukai's store. And I didn't want to buy them in front of the other guys so, I had you call me to buy me some time to get them. And it worked." He explained.

All you heard from that explanation was that he had bought condoms. "So you have them?" You asked. "Yeah." He said. And before he could even get the box out of his bag, you jumped on him and had him on the ground with you all up on him. "Thank god. You have no idea how thirsty I am." You said as you tossed your shirt across the room. His face turned really pink. "Y-yeah I'm really glad too." He said. He was just as adorable as the day you confessed even after he had given his innocence to you. You kissed him passionately then pulled away. "I love you." You whispered. He held you very close to him. "I love you too, F/N." He said back and kissed your forehead. You smiled. "Now lets get busy." You said with a grin. And boy, did you get busy...

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